I’ve been in dire need of cold weather outfit inspiration, as I’m heading off to Turkey, Greece, and Paris today (EEEPS!) – all of which are significantly colder than Houston (where it was 80 degrees until this week). Of course, the stylish ladies online had lots of great looks to inspire me. Click on the picture to link to the source blog.IMG_0435

Natalie Dressed

ahat 025


©arna_bee_photography_could_i_have_that_12.3.2012_28Could I Have That?

bottom-amDamsel in Dior


Gal Meets Glam

aa_pinkpeonies_sequinblazerThe Pink Peonies

denim1Karla’s Closet

REDBAG_1Stripes and SequinsGorjanaNecklaces

Cheetah is the New Black

plaid11 (2)

Sincerely, JulesIMG_5134

Style & Pepper – I LOVE when she wore one of my closest friend’s Priya necklace here


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