There are few people in life I’m more inspired by than my good (not to mention, ridiculously gorgeous) friend, Joy Kennedy. Three years ago, she launched Priya, an accessories line that is committed to fair trade luxury and employing groups of underprivileged artisans. Since 2011, Priya has worked with groups of human trafficking victims, special needs artisans and impoverished women in Nicaragua. Sold yet? Yes, the company is amazing. The best part is that the products are absolutely flawless. I love the purses so much from the original collection, but two weeks ago, Joy launched the Zama Collection, the first contemporary jewelry collection handmade by artisans in Jaipur, India. It’s unbelievable to see these pieces after sifting through the product sketches at Zoe’s Kitchen over lunch a year ago.
Joy graciously gifted me one of my favorite pieces for my birthday last month – the Square Ring in Blue. I literally get compliments from people every single time I wear it. I’m obsessed! The pieces are crafted with the highest quality materials. You’ll love them as soon as you put them on. I’ve compiled a collage of my favorite Zama pieces above. Shop the collection (top left to bottom right):
Palm Necklace | Twin Ring Red | Zama Cuff Large | Swirl Ring Blue | Swirl Necklace Blue | Royal Square Studs Green | Studded Cuff | Pear Ring Blue | Square Ring Purple | Pear Drop Earrings Red
Also, you should watch the mesmerizing Zama Collection video here. See my previous Priya giveaway post here.
Um, see what I mean by gorgeous?
REALLY really pretty!!!
I agree!
how nice to have so many friends in the jewelry business!! love the collection. emailing you now!
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ガガミラノマニュアル35MMスーパーコピー 私は友人と仲間の時計愛好家には、この時計のイメージは、代表的な調査ではない―、私は―知っている独特の形状とは明らかに信じられないほどの造り品質にもかかわらず、彼らの誰も、本当に声を絶対と即時の驚き。ブガッティのスーパースポーツの腕時計をここで、車で十分でない–ファンキーに見えます、しかし、それは現れますがあまりに大きくて、であるにはあまりに重すぎて「芸術のための芸術」としている。
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はHamiltonとリーヴァをコラボした「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」の新シリーズ表項、双方の密接な協力と厳しく要求で、ついには2007年後半に登場。「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」が最初からのスケッチデザイン1本の表の完成を作って、全行程表にスイス専門技術を懐かしい雰囲気と現代モード感を完璧に解け合って、アイデアの元素を最大限に発揮し。「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」がそれぞれ出し男ものの時計とパンパン項、一項ごとに表使うのはトップと豪勢な材質をHamilton契合リーヴァや製品の品質に完璧を求めて。スーパーコピー時計同じように無数の嵐を経験して試練のリーヴァヨット世界チャンピオンとしていつも伴っ素手で潜水Pierre Frolla深く潜行のHamilton腕時計、「リーヴァtimed by Hamilton」はリーヴァとHamilton不敵厳しい環境の極緻の傑作。