Our first week back in Houston has come and gone, and ohmygosh, I am exhausted. I was so excited about seeing everyone that I might have overdone it by filling up our calendar to its capacity. I was out pretty much all of Monday and Tuesday with food poisoning, then spent the rest of the week seeing family and friends and running errands (so much dry cleaning!). Highlights from the week are captured below:

  • Isla meeting my grandma for the first time (her Great Grandma, or GG)
  • Signing up for a membership at Life Time Fitness and working out for the first time in three months
  • Isla’s playdates with with Lillian, her cousins (Ana, Mila and Lazo) and Ellery
  • Going to The Container Store after many months apart (yes, I’m addicted)
  • Taking Isla into the pool at our friend’s house for the first time (in her sweet Honest Company pineapple swim diaper from Kirby!)
  • Receiving our first Teil Duncan painting – one of her Bulls
  • Eating lunch at my parent’s house with one of my best friends, Andrew, who lives in Boston
  • Hosting two of our favorite friends for a dinner and serving these vegan brownies
  • Going to church at Bayou City Fellowship after being gone forever
  • Isla learning to laugh and doing it often (the cutest sound ever!)
  • And last, but not least, catching up with my best friend, McKenzie

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