Week three in Houston has passed, and life is showing no signs of slowing down. This past week, we visited lots of family and friends whom we hadn’t seen in almost three months – some who hadn’t met Isla yet. I was talked into doing back-to-back classes at Life Time Fitness with a close friend, and my body is still recovering. Overall, this week had many highlights, which I’ve captured below:

  • I went to Anthropologie, J. Crew, Carter’s, Kendra Scott and Baby Gapugh, feels good to be back). I subsequently ended up at The Container Store again for more slim-fit hangers.
  • We ate at Ruggles Green and Mary’z – two of our favorite restaurants (see full list of favorites), and I went grocery shopping at Whole Foods for the first time in months!
  • The weather is finally getting more bearable, so I was able to run outside on multiple days.
  • After going to the Durango Farmer’s Market all Saturday, we decided to head to one of the big ones in Houston (and bought lots of Sinfull Bakery goodies)
  • We went to my parent’s house for lunch to celebrate my dad’s birthday (happy birthday!)
  • Isla went to church for the first time (Bayou City Fellowship) and behaved swimmingly! Thank the good Lord.

Most importantly, this week marked the official stomach-to-back-to-stomach rolling and consistent, deep belly laughter from Isla. The former has me slightly nervous (she’s now getting tied into her changing station), and the latter has my heart smiling. That sound is pure joy.

Lastly, the winner of the Freshly Picked giveaway is Wendy J! I will be emailing you shortly. Thank you to everyone who entered.

How was your past week?
review5Her happy morning face // A friend lent us a mamaRoo – why didn’t we have this sooner?

] I told this little lady she looked foxy and then found out the animal on her tunic is actually a catDSC_0742She makes me the happiest person everreview1I love seeing her personality developFullSizeRenderGorgeous tulips at Whole Foodsreview3Saturday Farmer’s Market shoppingDSC_0771Found this gem in the J. Crew sale (linked below)review4Sinfull Bakery muffin that Sasha made me share with himIMG_0122Isla’s first date – they both fell fast asleep… romantic, huh?review9I want a Janie and Jack romper to wear just for their bows!DSC_0857Apparently, it’s my dad’s 8th birthday!REVIEW8So much tummy time due to her new rolling tricks! 

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  1. The Houston Farmers Market is a great place to get an early morning breakfast taco!

  2. oh my gosh those faces! love. Whenever I pull out the camera Simon decides to be stoic. They are such twins. laughing, rolling all over… the cutest! also, that bow romper. adorable. xx.

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      They really are!! I love it! As for the stoic face, I’m getting more and more of that. I ALSO get lots of drooly, drooly faces and hands in mouth. It’s getting more and more challenging as time goes on… just wait until they get more mobile – then we’re done for. xo

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