As you can see, Snapshots & My Thoughts has undergone a facelift! I changed the host of the blog, which involved getting a new theme. I chose to use Blogzilla to perform the transfer.


In addition to a new look, Snapshots & My Thoughts will have slightly different editorial calendar. In order to become a more targeted lifestyle blog, I will be posting on similar topics every week.

If there are any other topics you would like to read about here, please feel free to leave a comment below or email me.

Another addition which I’m excited about is that you are now able to shop some of my favorite items – some of which I currently own, others which I’m lusting after!

Lastly, since the blog was under construction last Wednesday, which was the deadline to enter the Isla Loves: A Little Lady Shop giveaway, I’m extending it through tomorrow, Wednesday, September 17 at midnight.

Thanks, as always, for following along!

<image via designlovefest>




    • admin Reply

      Thank you! You inspired me to leave 🙂 Cannot wait to see you soon. xo

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