Isla’s four month ‘birthday’ was on Saturday. My word, how did that happen? She is killing us with her adorable giggles, but driving us insane with her rolling over at night in her crib (lots of going in and flipping her back over). She goes to sleep peacefully now, which is a huge blessing. We check the monitor constantly because we miss her (how insane is parenthood?). Isla coos all of the time… and does her fair amount of high pitched squeaking. She loves when we dance and sing to her (especially the alphabet and In the Jungle). She is way more engaged in books now and will grab and hold on firmly to the pages. She drools everywhere – so attractive! I am loving this stage the most – although taking photos is now a real challenge.
This past week, I helped a friend with her wedding stationery, applied for Isla’s passport, ran a ton of errands (yet still haven’t managed to fit in a pedicure), had friends over for dinner three nights, created a new gallery wall (design from Hook, Thread and Tinker – more below), met two sweet friends for lunch at Dish Society (love it!), went to Life Time and got my butt kicked in STRIKE! again, and fit in some shopping at City Centre and Highland Village. The weeks are flying by, and this upcoming week is full of doctor, dentist, hair appointments and visits with friends. I cannot wait to see Sophee, one of my best friends who lives in Austin and is in Houston this weekend.
The little roller is starting to be okay with tummy time
The photoshoot overseer
Ear licking // A photograph of all four generations – Jones, Wilkie, Semple and Petrovic
Collage wall design imitated from sweet Simon’s nursery on Hook, Thread and Tinker
A friend gave Isla this Stella McCartney mermaid onesie – it cracks me up
Cheeky little lady in a borrowed outfit due her blowout at lunch (so classy)
Setting up our West Elm table with our new table settings
Four months old – rolling and eating her hand or Sophie’s face all day long
Full blown teething – lots of drool and chewing
She sleeps like this! It’s crazy
Whole Foods’ raspberries have been extraordinary lately – have you tried?
Peek-a-boo & funny faces
Last Monday, Christie of KiKiMac asked me to join the Tour through Blogland. I absolutely love Christie’s blog and am excited that our blog friendship has evolved into much more – I love having a local blogger to chat (and scheme – see below) with.
Right now, my editorial calendar is rather full, which is exciting and slightly stressful (especially with a four month old). I’m working on a number of giveaways, including ones with Medela, Dr. Brown’s, The Honest Co., amongst others. I am recording some vlogs for Milk Nursingwear (remember this giveaway?), which I will share soon! I’ve got a Christmas card series in the works (but first, Halloween!). Also, I’ve been on a vegan baking frenzy – looking for healthy vegan recipes to satisfy a sweet tooth! I’m expanding on the city guide series… and looking to plan a vacation as well (Isla just applied for her passport!). Lastly, Christie and I are planning some workshops for creative types in the Houston area. Stay tuned!
This question is something every blogger should ask themselves. Snapshots & My Thoughts is a curation of all my favorite things – exploring new cities, healthy vegan/vegetarian recipes and delicious food, wedding inspiration and stationery, baby products and parties, beautiful homes, and fashion/beauty trends. I want Snapshots & My Thoughts to be a combination of a finely curated inspiration board (think Pinterest, but minus the clutter), custom DIYs and recipes, and personal information. I want it to be unique to me and my family (let’s get real – blogging involves everyone).
I started Snapshots & My Thoughts as a creative outlet, as I work in corporate America for one of the top management consulting firms. The early days included a lot of ‘lust lists’ and wedding trends, and it has emerged into much, much more. Nowadays, I write Snapshots & My Thoughts to share my ideas and love of design with the world and because I love to write and take photos. I am so appreciate that people decide to follow along!
I only recently started an editorial calendar – in congruence with the blog makeover. I try to keep at least two weeks of posts lined up, which can be tricky with my competing priorities (and sorry, but Isla is way more important!). I will come up with an idea or series, then create a folder on my computer and start saving relevant files and photos. I have a ton of draft posts right now and even more iPhone notes with blog ideas! Lately, I’ve only been able to start blogging after Sasha and I eat dinner around 7:30pm, so I’ve had many late nights. I feel it’s worth it though!
I’ve nominated three incredibly talented ladies to share their story with you next Monday: Mara of Hook, Thread and Tinker // Jae of Gorjaeous // Alaina of So Alaina
I love this heavy picture post. Baby Isla is THE BEST. Seriously, move closer!!!! I’ll be your blog friend :). The gallery wall looks awesome!!
OMG Isla is just so darling!! Also, I SOOOO wish I could join in on your workshops!! Webinar?!?!
OMG Isla is just so darling!! Also, I SOOOO wish I could join in on your workshops!! Webinar?!?!
Parenthood is SO insane! Last night after we put Elizabeth to bed, we sat in the living room and looked at photos/videos of her for about an hour! haha HOW does the time go so fast?
the sneezing one for the win! I’m so impressed with all that you have going on..goodness girl!
Thanks so much for the nomination, Ailee! I will try my very best to come up with a similar post!
your post is so sweet – loving those photos of miss isla. gotta get my a$$ in gear and write that post!