It’s hard to get your mind past Christmas when it’s only a few days away, but New Years Eve celebrations quickly follow, and it’s best to think ahead when it comes to the big outfit.

With all of the money spent on holiday gifts, the last thing I need to do is spend a fortune on a NYE outfit. I’ve put together three looks (dress, shoes, purse and jewelry) for under $250. My favorite look is first one with the neutral pinks and tans, but I love the pop of pink in the second and the sassy animal print Kate Spade dress in the third. You can hover over the items and click on the link to buy them yourself.

Do you have big New Years Eve plans? I’ve always wanted to do something fun like go to Times Square (so cheesy, but still!). We’ll likely get together with friends for something low key, but getting dressed up is fun no matter what the plans are. I was a tired pregnant lady last year, and I didn’t make it to midnight. I’ve got to redeem myself!

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Photos from the top collage are from Laura Hooper’s Instagram



  1. I love the animal print dress. I have those Kendra earrings in blue. Love that they’re small but make a statement with the colors.

  2. Love these looks. Cannot wait for NYE – one of my favorite celebrations of the year.

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