The last two weeks have been a complete blur. I am obsessed with the holiday season (Thanksgiving through New Years Eve), but it’s definitely exhausting. I think we averaged three guests per day to the house during the last seven days (not exaggerating), and I loved it. Most visitors were family and friends who were in town for the holidays, and I am so thankful that I got to catch up with them. Sasha’s sister lives in San Francisco (works for Google and has the coolest job ever), and she has been in Texas (between Houston and Austin) for the past month and I’m pretty depressed that she left for California yesterday. It was so nice to have her in the same city as us again!
A few highlights from the previous week include:
- Going to the Texas vs. Arkansas bowl game, although we definitely got our butts kicked…
- Watching Isla pull herself up on the couches, chairs, crib, people, etc. – she’s on the move! This also means naptime is a nightmare, and she stands up all the time then cries for you to help her sit back down… so there have been a ton of naps in our arms recently
- Meeting one of my sweet friends, Sydney, for lunch at Bistro Menil (it’s delicious – updated my Best of Houston: Restaurants & Coffee post!) and then strolling through the Menil Collection afterwards
- Eating lunch at Tiny Boxwoods with Sasha and Isla – their beet burger is the best ever (as is their white wine mojito!)
- Ordering invitations and envelopes for a couple shower that I’m co-hosting at our house in a few weeks (and doing lots and lots of planning!)
- ‘Baking’ even more delicious treats from the raw, vegan cookbook Mara bought me (there goes any weight-loss resolutions!)
- Cooking dinner for my little sister, Jill, who is at med school in Houston – we haven’t had her over by herself yet, and she’s been in the same city as us for over a year and a half!
- Buying a new bed and nightstands! More details about that here
- Catching up with my friend, Andrew – one of my favorite people in the world – and hearing about his amazing new business venture (which I will definitely be sharing details of when it launches!)
In other news: Isla turned 7 months old on Sunday. Cue repetitive (but true) time flies comment! You can see Isla’s month-by-month photos here: one, two, three, four, and six. I skipped the five month update due to the Isla’s First Christmas with Carter’s series (but did snap photos!). I love this age so much. She is definitely a momma’s girl right now – if she starts to cry when someone else holds her, she reaches out to me and looks at me desperately, which melts my heart. Her favorite things include bath time with Tata, playing with Belle’s tail and collar (see photo below), sweet potatoes and avocado, standing up, crawling at a scary rapid speed, sitting up, going on runs with me in the morning, playing with the other kids at the Lifetime Fitness daycare (she squeals when older kids come up to her!), reading Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes, One Ted Falls Out of Bed: A Counting Story and Goodnight, I Love You, playing with her new Hape bike and walker, when we do stupid dances, and chewing on absolutely everything. She is now sleeping from 6:30pm-5:30am, then feeds and goes back to sleep for another hour or so. I was up past midnight every night for the last week, so I haven’t really gotten to enjoy the whole ‘sleeping through the night’ experience, but plan on changing that soon! Isla is not keen on eating purees, keeping her shoes on, when I try to pick her boogers or wash her face, being awake past 6:30pm, sitting still, and missing out on fun (serious case of nap-time FOMO). She is very high-energy, and I love her.
What were the highlights of your week? Happy Monday!
Straight cheesin’
It’s not always rainbows + butterflies [someone took a little tumble!]
Isla loves Sydney [and I love her new navy bow pea coat from Gap]
Lunch with Sasha’s dad and stepmom and sister and boyfriend
Floral crown from Nomad Floral Designs // Cotton candy leggings from Les Petits Darlings // Adorable wood + fabric teether from By George Baby Boutique // Mocassins from Freshly Picked // Monthly onesies from Wedding Chicks // Rug from West Elm
I love everything about this post, from the overhead shot of your wee babe asleep, to a glimpse of my best friend, to the exuberance you have for life. Not exactly sure how you do all of this and look as gorgeous as you do, but I’m gonna start taking notes! xoxox
HAHAHA! I love the crying photo of Isla! It’s EPIC! Sorry, Ailee! I think it’s still adorable, though.
Hello SAMT readers! I’m Ailee’s husband and I’m here to keep you guys up-to-date on how Ailee is doing with her 2015 New Year’s Resolutions (see post
I told her last night that I’m going to start posting in order to keep her honest because she’s been dropping some really deep stuff on you guys (how to be content, the not so perfect world of social media, getting off her iPhone, etc.). These are very important to me for several reasons (it improves our family relationship, will makes Ailee less stressed out and allows you guys to read posts from someone who is real and authentic).
First of all, I want to give Ailee kudos for hitting 3 of her 7 so early (you always have to give praise before providing “constructive” feedback). Now that we got that out of the way, the 4 resolutions that Ailee still needs to work on are as follows 1) Prioritize my family 2) Read more books 3) Be more present 4) Practice being content. Now 1-3 are 90% related to her iPhone and 10% related to her blog. I know it’s difficult changing your habits overnight but I’m optimistic Ailee can do just that
The one thing resolutions 1-3 have in common is they all require time. You have to have free time in order to dedicate attention to your family, to read actual books and to be in the present.
Again, it’s only been 5 days but I want to keep the SAMT family updated on Ailee’s 2015 resolutions for several reasons. First, I think you guys might have more influence over her than me
and second, this blog is very important to Ailee and I want to contribute more to it than I have been. My resolutions for 2105 are to support my wife more, be a better son, and document my goals so they don’t escape me like they have in past years.
sent from my iPhone – please excuse any typos or misspellings
I cannot believe how much older Isla looks! She’s so pretty, like her Mommy.
She’s so much more on the move than Simon, who is just starting to pull up on things and shows no interest in crawling… what a strong girl. Love it.
Great pictures per usual. Also, you’re very popular – so many guests!
Goodness, Isla is such a doll! I just heard about Bistro Menil and am dying to go! Glad to hear you liked it.
I am dying at the navy bow coat. I want one.
Just catching up on some of your posts and I especially love this one
Can’t wait to see Little Miss Isla again soon! Love you both!