Today, I am turning 27. I honestly feel like my 21st birthday was just two or three years ago, not six! Every year on my birthday, I reflect on my favorite moments from the previous year and make goals for the next. With the birth of Isla last year, I must say that it’s been my favorite yet (and that was by far the best moment). I definitely feel much older, but that is probably to be expected when you become a mother. I am cursing myself for ever entering a tanning bed, and am now venturing into the world of anti-wrinkle creams and heavy duty sunscreens. All fountain-of-youth suggestions welcome!

Apart from newly formed eye wrinkles (let’s call them smile lines for the sake of my birthday), I have had so many amazing moments during my 27th year, some of which include:

Celebrating my birthday party last year at Canopy with a number of our closest friends and familyenhance (9)

Going on a mother-daughter trip to Washington, DC to learn calligraphy from our wedding calligrapher and getting to explore the city together (posts here and here)enhance (14)

Taking a girls trip to San Francisco (post hereenhance (18)

Celebrating the births of so many of our friend’s babies, including Ellery, Nora, Hollis, Simon, Kevin, Alexander, Lillian and Ana – all within 5 months!enhance (10)

Meeting Isla Milijana for the first time on June 4, 2014 and experiencing a love I did not know was possible beforehand (post here) and watching her grow every dayIslaNewborn

Spending the summer in Durango, Colorado at my parent’s vacation house (posts here)

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Traveling to Mexico City for one of my best friend’s weddings (travel guide here)mexico1

On-going excitement for three of my closest friends who are getting married this March (Austin), April (New Orleans) and June (Vail) – lots of showers and parties to be had!


Celebrating Isla’s Christening in December (post here)christening1

Some of my goals for 27 include:

  • Accomplish my 2015 resolutions (shared here)
  • Explore new cities and show Isla the joys of traveling (or ‘please, please don’t cry the whole flight, baby girl!’)
  • Spend more time in Durango – it felt so weird to leave and come back to Houston, and we miss it so much! If you want a mountain getaway, let’s plan a trip!
  • Enjoy my dad’s retirement and put him in full Papa work mode!
  • Pray out loud with Isla every night before going to bed (I’m normally a in-my-head prayer, but want to do this with her!)
  • Get pregnant again with baby #2! As mentioned above, there are some weddings that need to take place first, but then it’s time for Isla to get a brother/sister (that is, God willing!)
  • Sign up for the Houston half marathon next year (depending on status of the above) – I’ve done it twice now, but have the itch again…


Booties, lamps, hot pink blazers, and more! These are some of the things that made it on my birthday list this year:

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PS I am linking up with Ember Grey’s Grateful Heart post!


  1. Happy 27th my love! Let’s play the lottery and move to Durango…assuming we win 🙂

  2. I love that pic with PB on top of Animas mountain. Such a great trip.

  3. What an amazing year for you! Happiest birthday! I hope 27 treats you well!

  4. Dear Ailee,

    As I’ve said before, you are one fascinating woman. You’ve accomplished quite a bit by 27 and I have no doubt you will experience every adventure your heart desires. You are magnanimous and a dear friend to so many. I feel so fortunate to include you in my circle and I haven’t even met you, in person, yet! You give entirely of yourself to whatever project is at hand, most notably, mothering. I wish you every happiness available this year, including another sweet, angel-haired babe.

    Happy, happy birthday, boo!


    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Jenny, There is nobody in the world I’d like to hug in life more than you!!! You are seriously so sweet. I have never been called magnanimous before, and I am grinning ear to ear. It reminds me of this Geico commercial:

      Love, love, love, love, love! xoxoxo

      • Hahahaha, I just watched the Geico ad! Am I the blog-version of James Lipton?! Does that mean I can interview James Franco and Justin Timberlake now? (p.s. He is one amazing white boy. I screamed like a 12-year-old throughout the entire Dallas concert.)

        I’m ready to hug it out whenever you are, babe! ;*

  5. Lauren Postler Reply

    Happy Birthday!!! OMG after working in the cosmetic surgery and skincare industry I can’t believe I used to bake at Darque Tan on the daily back in high school!! yuck! I look forward to watching your family grow (we plan on trying after a wedding in May as well) Miss Isla is so beautiful yall definitely need to make more 😉

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Ohhhh don’t bring up Darque Tan. Shudder. What were we thinking??? I pray we have our next little ones around the same time!!! How fun! I feel the same way about Charlotte!! xox

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Thank you, Mara. I cannot get over how gorgeous these flowers are. You’re the best. xoxox

  6. Happy birthday Ailee! I’ve so loved “getting to know you” through your instagram and blog! Wishing you a wonderful 27th year!

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Thank you so much, Muriel! I feel the same about you!! I love how friendships can form over the internet! So fun!!! xoxo

  7. Happy birthday my love!!! Isn’t it funny how becoming a mother makes you feel so much more…grown up? There are a lot of times where I still feel like a child and can’t figure out how in the wold I became 28 (yikes), but I also feel like becoming a mom made me a woman. Does that sound cheesy haha? I love this recap on your past year…and that pink blazer..I might have to get it! Let’s go to Durango, I’ve never been to Colorado! My hubs is actually there right now for work, the pictures he sent me look so beautiful!!! And yay another baby, that would be so fun for miss Isla! You’re amazing mama, so grateful to have gotten the chance to connect. I adore you!
    PS – I have a bunch of anti-aging tricks and tips if you want them 😉 I too am cursing myself for those two decades of massive unprotected sun exposure…whoops.

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Thank you so much!!! You’re the best. Yes – exactly! I feel much more grown up. I love that we’re practically the same age too 🙂 Given that we’re practically twins (right?), let’s both get that pink blazer. $74 for a Nordstrom find isn’t bad! Okay, seriously – you have to go to Colorado and should TRULY meet us in Durango. I need to talk to Sasha about when we can go this summer. I have to escape Houston’s unbearably hot summers. I want your anti-aging tricks and tips!!! Yes, pretty please! Tell me your ways! And I adore you too. Seriously!

  8. happy birthday gorgeous girl!! (i’m still celebrating, so it still counts 😉 ) so many wonderful things packed into a single your…i feel so blessed to have met you through our blogs! hopefully we can celebrate in person soon! xxo.

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Thank you so much!! You’re the best, Annie. I am so blessed to have met you too!!! I would LOVE the in-person celebration!

  9. aww!! I hope you had the best birthday! (I’m so sorry I missed this on Wed!) 27 was my most favorite year, until I turned 30 🙂 I’m so glad you linked up last week, Ailee! Hope you had a great weekend!

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Thank you os much, Emily!! I appreciate your sweet wishes! I’m excited for the years ahead… I’ve heard that lots of women love 30! I hope you had a great weekend too!! xo

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