This past week has been one of really high highs and really low lows. As I mentioned last week, Sasha’s uncle passed away on Wednesday morning, and the rest of the week felt like it had a big grey cloud hanging over it. The funeral was held yesterday, and it was very emotional for everyone. Tom has left an amazing legacy, and I’m so grateful to have known him for the last 4 1/2 years.
On a much less grave note, another low was the selling of our house falling through. Crazy, I know – it was a big secret, except for close family and friends, that we were even considering moving! We were under contract for our house, but the appraisal came in less than the sale price, and we weren’t able to settle on a final offer. We had been talking to a builder in our neighborhood who is building a spec home we were planning on customizing. We’re both very disappointed with everything, but know that things happen for a reason. We love our house, so are okay with staying put for awhile longer!
The highs for the week included getting to take photos for yesterday’s blog post at Spring Street Studios and being able to spend time with Brittany Lais Williams, my insanely talented friend, who did my hair and makeup, as well as Paige Budde of Awake Photography. I love Paige’s photographs so much, and could look at her blog all day. We stopped by the Papellerie studio after taking pictures, and got to hug Amy and Riley, the duo responsible for my wedding stationery (which you can see here). Isla clung to Riley the whole time (see photo below!). It was so cute.
Other highlights for the week included:
- Spending time with my sister-in-law, Ivana, who was in Texas for work and then stayed longer for the funeral – I seriously could not ask for a better SIL, she is wonderful
- Seeing my best friend, McKenzie, who has been in London for two weeks for work (we cannot talk about the jealousy here!) – she got me the most amazing birthday gifts – Deliciously Ella and the world’s comfiest snood – and a Pink Peonies Collection ring, which hasn’t arrived just yet (cannot wait to see it!)
- Eating lunch at Dish Society with Brittany and our friend, Kasey – I love that place!
- Going to eat lunch at Empire Turkish Grill with my mother-in-law and Isla (who loved the hummus!)
- Getting a manicure on Saturday and a blow out at Dry Bar on Sunday
- Spending a day in Katy with my mom and older sister – Sasha was very against buying an exercauser for Isla, so she gets excited when we go and she gets to play in it
- Celebrating Isla’s 9 month-iversary and watching her learn to clap, which she know does anytime anyone mutters the word ‘clap’ (video here) and more tickles and giggles
- Picking up the pottery that my friend, Danielle (of Project 3×5), and I painted from Mad Potter – I love our new ‘Isla’ mug and ‘I’ plate (a gift from Dani)!
- Having a cousin play date with Ana (Isla’s cousin who is just under a month younger!)
- Two shopping trips to Gap – I am loving their clothes lately! For Isla and for me!
- Ordering a dress for Isla’s first birthday party (don’t worry, that’s all I’ve done – I just had to have it!)
- Getting to ‘do’ bath time as Sasha was in North Dakota for work all week – it’s his responsibility normally, but I love getting to bathe Isla
My brain isn’t fully functioning right now after a long day, so if I’m forgetting something that we did together, my sincere apologies. I promise it was a highlight too Lots of iPhone photos this week, as my DSLR didn’t get much action given everything going on.
Serious blowout + no change of clothes at my parent’s house resulted in Isla wearing my little sister’s old smock dress!
Some goat cheese + a little #bts action for yesterday’s post
My favorite is the photo of the photographer taking a photo! #photoofphoto. I love the Isla 4×4 picture cluster starting with her climbing the ladder and going down to the mow-hawk bath pic. #toocute
#toocute is right. We’re definitely obsessed.
Yet another Isla photo overload! <3
You should see my phone…
Ok, you’ve done it. Somehow you have let me into your world enough that I actually feel like one of your peoples. Guess it helps that I already knew Ivana and Sasha, but really, the way you share your life makes me feel so connected to that amazing soul you possess. Very sorry for your losses in the last couple of weeks, life can be so unpredictable. Good thing your sweet baby face is around to lift your spirits and provide so much joy to you. Was very excited to see my bestie, Trolldoll, as she is normally too busy for the social media game and never takes selfies for me!
Much love,
Ah, your comments always make me so happy to read. Thank you for taking the time to write such sweet ones. Ivana really doesn’t post enough, so I was glad when she took a photo with Isla. I love that her name is Trolldoll. What’s yours?? Sexymama? And you are one of my peoples!!!!!
Dude. I keep double posting, hee. Wanted to share Little Laila’s birthday dress, she’ll be three at the end of April. What!
The Strawberry Field print. Love Boden!
Oh my GOSH. That dress!!!! I love Boden too! It is just perfect!!!
I always am amazed at all of the cool things that you do during the week, all of the amazing places you eat, friends you see, and wonderful outings with miss Isla (not to mention a mani AND a blowout, holy awesomeness). I seriously feel like when I was on maternity leave i did nothing but sit in my house! I think that we need to move to where you guys are so that I can join in on the fun!
I am so so sorry about Sasha’s uncle…my heart and love is with you. Death is such a hard thing for us to wrap our minds around…it terrifies me. Huge hugs mama. I’m also sending hugs regarding the house, I believe like you said that all things happen for a reason, so a much better offer will come your way. Love you mama!
Thank you for taking the time to always write the sweetest comments. I absolutely love reading them.
Regarding the maternity leave, mine is WAY extended – I did not do much during the first months!!! Other than try to catch up on sleep! But you totally should move to Houston and we could have fun playdates at the park, zoo, Children’s Museum, etc. The mani and blowout definitely don’t happen often though! Those were serious treats.
Thank you for your kind condolences. I am hugging you right back. xoxo
So sorry for your loss. Prayers are with ya’ll.
Babies in jeans get me every time.
I ate at Dish Society when I was home in January- sooo good!
I watched your TV appearance online- you did awesome!
I love babies in jeans too! And I’m so glad you got to try Dish Society’s amazingness on your trip home! Thank you for the sweet compliment – I was rather nervous, hence the ‘absolutely’s’ that I said 10+ times. Whoops!!!!
I am obsessed with Isla!!! I hope this week is going well… love your recaps!
Thank you, Mara!! And I’m obsessed with Simon!! xoxo
I would like to second Sasha’s comment and also express how flipping adorable it is that 1. he comments on all your posts and 2. he’s always the first one, from the ones I’ve seen. and the ones I haven’t seen, is because I CANNOT KEEP UP WITH YOU. you’re a flipping rock star at everything. let the rest of us catch up for a second!
I just laughed out loud when I read this (which is great because I need that before 7am) – He is a good commenter, and he’s also REALLY obsessed with Isla, so he’s likely to comment on any post she is in!! You are the one who is a rockstar at everything!! Seriously!! xo
Ailee, I really enjoy reading your blog. It is so informative, helpful & beautifully put together. You are so talented! Your little baby girl Isla is precious.
Thank you so much, CJ!! I appreciate your sweet comments so much. xo
Why is Sasha against an exercauser??
You talk about bath time responsibilities… How do you and Sasha split up other responsibilities around the house??