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There is no print in the whole wide world that I love more than floral. I not-so-patiently wait for the arrival of spring so that I can dust off my bright floral dresses and blouses to don. And then comes peony season. I cannot wait for these gorgeous flowers to start inundating my Instagram feed. It’s just the best.
I am constantly adding florals to my Shop page, and so I wanted to do a post sharing all of my flowery favorites. As a completely closeted (until now, I suppose) Kylie and Kendall fan (I refuse to follow them on Instagram, but totally stalk), I thought I would never be able to pull the trigger on these Madden Girl shoes (amn’t I a bit old?); however, if Rachel thinks it’s cool, then why the heck should I not? Great logic, n’est-ce pas?
I am so sad that I didn’t order these floral J. Crew pants when my size was still available, as I love a fancy sweat pant number. I want to wear this exact outfit in Paris (but may be freezing in May!), and this Trina Turk dress all day, every day.
Are you a fan of the floral print? Where do you find your favorites?
Shop My Floral Favorites:
Only thing this post is missing is a floral pic of Isla!
Yes. Yes. Yes.
Feel like such a white girl, but floral is also my jam, baby. Feeling it all. And you should wear every single thing that makes you smile and fits. That’s a fashion rule.
I’m getting giddy for your trip. Living vicariously through you.
Latest post at Jenny Journey: http://www.jennyjourney.com/searching-for-the-sun/
Love these options! I am all about the florals this season, too.
I wish that Mini Boden set came in Charlotte’s size. It’s a adorable.
I loveeee me some floral prints too. Those J Crew floral pants are amazing.