My favorite season for fashion is definitely summer, as I love flowy dresses, colorful shorts and comfy sandals. I am not a big layerer, so the fall and winter cause me anxiety when it comes to getting dressed, but warm weather seems so much easier to dress for.

Isla was born at the beginning of last summer, so I spent almost the entire season wearing workout clothes. I’m much more stringent now about changing out of workout clothes by lunchtime, after I finish working out. My summer uniform normally consists of a light summer dress or colorful shorts and a light, neutral top. I’ve rounded up some items I own, as well as others I’ve been lusting at (ahem, this Mara Hoffman swimsuit). The pieces are all practical, re-wearable, and affordable (for the most part).

What does your summer wardrobe look like? Would you buy any of these summer staples?

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  1. I think it’s best to stay in work out gear all day…makes the “what to wear” decision very easy!

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      It’s all too tempting to do just that!!! But you NEVER do!!

  2. There is SO much cute clothes in this post. Love those dresses and fun active wear, makes me more motivated to work out 😉

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Thanks, Julie!!! I agree – I need to completely refresh my activewear wardrobe!! I ADORE those pants!!

  3. So many cute picks!!! I am especially loving those cool leggings because I’m living in workout gear this summer!

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      Me too! Well, until like 3pm. Then I am forcing myself to change (against my strongest desires). But I do love the fun pants! I am ordering the Utah-desert looking ones today!!

  4. I actually own a few of those Gap tank tops and some of the sandals!!! I love the dresses too. Summer is definitely my favorite fashions too.

    • AileePetrovic Reply

      I do too! My favorite is the dual chambray tank – I wear it at least twice a week. And isn’t summer the best?? Except the sweat factor 😉

  5. I love both of those Mara Hoffman swimsuits! I keep seeing more and more swimsuits I like and still haven’t ordered one for this summer — while the season is passing me by! 🙂

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