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Happiest Friday in Houston (mainly because I wore a sweater to go running this morning – hallelujah for colder weather!)! Next up in the holiday gift guide series is a round up of fun gifts for your creative friend (which describes a lot of mine!). I am seriously in love with this hustle print and would cry with joy at the sight of all these colorful Sharpie markers in my stocking! I already own a Wacom tablet, and love getting to incorporate my own handwriting on the computer (need to pull it back out!). Another favorite is the Instax camera, which we use often – especially for parties or get togethers. You could also buy them an accompanying Instax photo album, which come in a few different pretty patterns/prints.

The Pantone coffee mug would tickle any design lover’s fancy, as would this pretty notebook or these fun acronym sticky notes. Last, but not least, is this mixtape USB, which holds up to 128MB (you can add music, but you’re not limited to that!). It’s definitely the cool 2016 equivalent of the burned CD.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s gift guides – I’ve still got plenty more to share.

Gift Guide for the Hostess | Gift Guide for the Little Ones | Gift Guide for the Gadget Guy


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