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My sweet mom Santa still fills everyone’s stockings, but as of two years ago, my older sister started doing hers and I am going to contribute this year too! I love the idea of cute, but inexpensive stocking stuffers that are actually things people would use, not just toss away. Here are nine of my favorite finds under $25!

Fun matches, like these from Anthropologie ($8), this amazing disco ball ornament from CB2 ($1.95), this Swedish sea salt soap from West Elm ($5.50), or this Voluspa mini candle from Anthropologie ($8) would make anyone’s Christmas morning. I also adore this pink unicorn ornament, this glass tree and this candle holder– all $9.95 from CB2 (great deals!). 

Last, but not least, who wouldn’t love some pink Essie nail polish ($9) or a Fair Isla cafe au Lait bowl from West Elm ($6.99)? We use those bowls for everything – from bookshelf decor to eating yogurt! There are so many adorable items to fill stockings with that don’t have to break the bank. Do you have any other suggestions?

Gift Guide for the Hostess | Gift Guide for the Little Ones | Gift Guide for the Gadget Guy | Gift Guide for the Creative-at-Heart | Gift Guide for the Girly Girl | Gift Guide for Baby’s First Christmas | Gift Guide for the Fashion Forward Male | Gift Guide for the Athlete | Gift Guide for the Travel Lover | Gift Guide for the Decorator | Gift Guide for the Book Lover


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