I recently sent one of my best friends, Meredith of Cake & Confetti, my Adobe Lightroom preset and she has been encouraging me to sell it ever since. As an FYI, a preset is a pre-determined position for all (or some) of the of sliders in Lightroom. With a click of a button, you can get all of the settings I use for editing my photos.

I honestly doubted myself and thought nobody would want to buy it, but after asking my Instagram followers on my Story a few days ago, I was proven wrong – people were actually interested!! I stayed up late that night packaging it up and making a one-pager document with details on how to install it and things to adjust.

The next day, I made it available on my website, and I anxiously refreshed my shop page, doing a happy dance around the living room every time one sold! Then, people started tagging me in their stories, showing before and after photos – without and without the preset applied. It made me so happy that I cried! I love what I do, and I love teaching others how to do the same. 

The most commonly asked question I received after posting details about the preset is: Do I need to have the Lightroom Desktop App vs. Mobile App? The answer is yes! Here’s my pitch: If you like to take photos of your kids, fur babies, travels, etc. then it is so worthwhile paying for! Adobe Lightroom AND Photoshop is only $9.99 a month – that’s just $1 more than the cost of two Starbucks Frappacinos. Plus, it’s a subscription service, so you can cancel it when you don’t want to use it anymore. I honestly think that it’s a service everyone with a DSLR should have. 

The preset costs $40, but until midnight tomorrow, Thursday, June 22, it’s going to be on sale for $30 (no code needed). After that, it’ll return to $40. I highly recommend that you buy it now! Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have and send me before and afters if you love it as much as I do! 

I shared some before/after photos on my Instagram story over the weekend, but wanted to share a few more and the small additional edits I did to get to the final photo. A quick note to anyone who purchases it (and this is covered in the one-pager you receive) – the preset typically requires no Temperature/Tint adjustment if the photo is taken outside. You may have to adjust these two if you take a photo inside (see last example below), because I don’t know what your lighting conditions are! Make sure to play around with those settings if it doesn’t look like the photos below.

Buy the preset now!

I added the preset and did nothing else! 

I applied the preset, then added two light filters to increase light on the table and over her back shoulder. 

The preset works for black and white photos too! I apply the preset, then reduce the saturation and adjust the tone curve to look like the one below.


I applied the preset then added more exposure, since it was dark on their faces before.

I applied the preset, then lowered the temperature to add more blue tones!



  1. Thanks for sharing this informative blog. There is brief information about Lightroom presets and the way to use it. By presets, it’s easy for multiple images to edit. Lightroom presets for landscape, photography, as well as any other portraits, are useful to make the imaged eye-catching.

  2. Melvin Gottschalk Reply

    Thanks, Melvin Gottschalk for snapshotsandmythoughts.com

  3. The Lightroom Mod APK is a powerful image editing app that offers a range of premium features for free on Android devices. The latest version provides access to advanced tools that significantly boost your photo editing capabilities. This modded version is praised for enhancing the visual quality of your images, giving each photo a unique and refined look.

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