We arrived home from Paris a week ago today, and I truly miss everything about the city already – the gorgeous architecture, the socially acceptable eating-a-plate-of-cheese-for-every-meal, the delicious wine, the people watching, the history, etc. I miss the friends we traveled with – two couples whom have been best friends for awhile now, and the third whom we met on the trip and now totally adore. A group of eight in Paris might sound impossibly difficult, but it totally worked. I haven’t laughed as hard as I did on that trip in a long time. It was tough being away from the girls for a week, but it was such good bonding time for Sasha and I. I hadn’t realized how much I needed it until we were there!
On February 18th, I turned thirty (!!!!). In Paris. It was a dream come true (literally!). We ate breakfast a vegan restaurant, walked around the Marais, ate lunch at my favorite falafel restaurant, shopped, then walked around Notre Dame before heading back to the apartment to rest. We ate dinner at Maison Sauvage (well, sort of…), then had ice cream at Amorino before the best game night ever. The females literally wrecked the men at both Monikers and Butt Head. It was legendary. I couldn’t have scripted a better day!
I’m working on a very intensive Paris travel guide (although I have two already – Four Perfect Days in Paris and Paris Favorites). This new one will map out different parts of the city and highlight favorite places to eat, drink, visit and shop. I’m excited to share this very soon! Photos of many favorite spots are below – I tried to narrow down my favorite photos but totally failed. So here are about 100 of them Ha.