At 6:13pm on Tuesday, February 5th (my Granny Jill’s birthday!), Georgie Margot Petrovic was born at Memorial Hermann hospital, weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. We are so, so in love with her, as are her two big sisters, who are completely smitten (and smothering her in ‘big love’). We got home from the hospital last night around 8:30pm and have been soaking up the day at home.
I checked into the hospital around 7am on Tuesday morning at 2cm dilated with contractions about 2-3 minutes apart. They started me on pitocin after an hour, then the waiting game began. After a few hours, I was checked again and at 4cm dilated – then I spent the next probably 6 hours at a 4. I got an epidural after about 6 hours of being at the hospital, then finally was able to nap (which was really nice, given that I hadn’t slept well the night before). Around 5pm, things began to get tricky, as Georgie’s heart rate began dropping drastically when I had contractions. Cue multiple nurses and my doctor all coming in and talking in code while staring at the stats. I was checked again to see if they could tell which direction she was facing (nose down or up – known as ‘sunny side up’ which isn’t ideal for delivery). They used an ultrasound machine, but still weren’t sure – although the verdict was that she was likely on her side (my doctor could feel her ears). I began being turned from side-to-side to get her to a) get in the right position and b) have her heart rate stop dropping. It wasn’t working, but I did progress to 6cm, which is when things start moving quickly. The nurses suggested I get on all fours (legit planking with an epidural = my arms were getting quite a workout!), and when I would have a contraction, they would try to turn her into the right position. After about ten minutes of that, I was told to “Stop pushing! She’s coming!” And I was flipped around, the team of nurses entered the room, and after two pushes, Georgie came into this world, blue as can be with the cord wrapped around her neck. After the longest 45 seconds of my life, she finally made a sweet ‘ehh’ sound while laying on my chest. It was the best sound I’ve ever heard. Sasha was an emotional puddle (it’s a tear jerker for him!), and I was so happy to meet her (safe and sound!) and relieved that labor was over. She’s a perfect combination of her two sisters – with jet black hair like they had and blue, blue eyes.
We spent the next 26 hours at the hospital, seeing guests and soaking up quiet time with this angel babe. It took a whole day for her to cry (of course, happened during Sasha’s first diaper change – typical!), and she’s been so easy going thus far (only 40-ish hours in, so won’t jinx myself – there’s a long road ahead, ha!). She’s been most difficult the past two nights from 1-3am, but seems to find her sleepiness around that time and loves to nap during the day.
Sasha and I are so incredibly grateful for the love and prayers she’s received so far. Our little family is complete and I’ve truly never been happier in my life. The quote “If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart” truly brings me to tears because it’s the most accurate statement right now.
Below are some photos that my very talented friend Sydney took of us four girls this morning (Sasha was working during this!), as well as some captured in the hospital yesterday and on Tuesday. Feeling very emotional looking over all of them! I will cherish these photos for the rest of my life. What a whirlwind two days it has been. Now, time to go back to snuggling with my tiny babe.

OMG!!! Congratulations, Ailee and Sasha!!! So incredibly happy for you, guys!!! I know I haven’t met y’all in person, but I’m so excited to see more of your growing family!!! The pictures of all you four girls are SO. PRECIOUS. I’m not crying, you’re crying!!!
Congrats!!! She’s gorgeous! <3
those eyes! beautiful girls, congratulations.Life doesnt get better than that