It’s hard to believe that two weeks have flown by already since Georgie was born. Given that she’s most likely our last baby (that was 100% our last baby 2+ weeks ago, now I’m way more on the fence! Ha!), I’m truly soaking up every single second with her. I was rocking her the other night and just started crying because I couldn’t handle how much I love her – those postpartum hormones are for real, y’all.
The days might be flying by, but they’re not passing without a good number of photos being taken (did y’all except anything less?). As I was uploading these photos, I was laughing at the fact I have about 140 edited photos from the past 12 days (first two days photos are posted in her birth story post here).
The girls are still doing so well with her! It makes my mama heart so happy to see. They love on her any chance they can – and Emi is adjusting about ten zillion times better than I ever expected. She’s a big time mama’s girl, but has transitioned into a daddy’s girl and it makes my heart swell seeing her run to him, wake up and call, “DADDY! WHERE ARE YOU?”, and want him to tuck her in at night. They’re so lucky to have Sasha.
We celebrated my 31st birthday on Monday after a family birthday dinner on Sunday at my parent’s house. They kindly watched the two big girls on Sunday evening, since there was no school for President’s Day on Monday. Sasha and I had a productive but relaxing morning (he surprised me with my favorite drink during my first morning feed!), then we walked to Escalantes for lunch – my first margarita in almost a year! Thankfully we shared it because hello lower tolerance (ha).
And now, a bajillion photos from the past 12 days!

Gahhhh. Your family is beautiful.
Also, why don’t we live closer?
Annnnnnnd… I want to dress like your girls. #goals
Also, bows. I clearly need to get more of them and I need you to teach me to do hair
Your son is beautiful! Congratulations