On Friday, {m & b} and {s & i} will head to Washington, DC. {m} and {s} have never been before, and I’m so excited to be with them as they gallivant around the city, exploring every nook and cranny. {m} got me the best present ever for my 24th birthday – 36 Hours in 150 Cities, and I plan on using this wonderful guide, along with Design Sponge to plan a fully packed agenda. We’ll also take any fun suggestions you may have on how to tackle this bustling city in 48 hours!



  1. DC is awesome. Definitely check out any of the Smithsonians…Natural History is a favorite. I’d also recommend a side trip to Annapolis, Maryland. Awesome, awesome town. An evening stroll on the Annapolis City Dock is as picturesque as you can get! Lots of pubs and eateries that go back to colonial times. (For you Scots, “Colonial Times” refers to when the Imperialistic British tried to expand their empire…and failed miserably!)
    Have fun!

    • You make my day when I read your comments! I’m going to email my roommate and let her know what you recommended. Hopefully we can fit in a trip to Annapolis – that’s where you lived, right?

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