I am typically a very Type-A person, and I love being organized; however, sometimes things spiral out of control and so long as they’re ‘out of sight,’ then they can become ‘out of mind.’ Emi’s nursery was once our guest room – a room that literally was used maybe twice in the four years we had been in the house. So the drawers in the dresser and the closet became the catch-all for all of the ‘stuff’ that didn’t have a home (just yet). Wedding albums, gifts, gift bags, party supplies, stationery, etc. It was all piled into the drawers or closet in a complete cluster. When I got pregnant, I knew that I needed to clear it out to prepare for Emilia. The task was so overwhelming to me, so I contacted Meggie of Organized Life Design to come and help. Meggie showed up with her notepad and a bag full of useful tools and got to work. We first tackled organizing the drawers and closet – we recycled, trashed and saved everything that was in the guest room. It was shocking how much needed to get tossed. After we had things grouped, we put them into storage containers then went to the room where all of the stuff was going – the playroom closet, which was largely empty at that point (except for media equipment). Meggie told me what things I needed to buy and build (which Sasha did!). I had it all setup for her next visit. During this visit, we filled things from the guest room into the newly structured playroom closet. The transformation is unreal from one closet to the next (see below!). I am obsessed. Meggie also cleared out all of the under cabinet space in the playroom and bookshelves (again, lots of tossing!), then tackled my desk drawers.
I don’t know about y’all, but organized spaces are so good for my soul! Ha. I walk into the playroom to look at the storage situation about five times a day – I’m not kidding. I made Sasha go in on Saturday after a refresh and wanted him to tell me his favorite parts. He thinks I’m nuts!
I loved working with Meggie because she taught me organization tips that I used for Emi’s closet (details here) – one of those “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” benefits. Also, just having someone come to the house to force you to go through your junk is very helpful. I shouldn’t have waited to need to organize because I was pregnant to have gone through the closet and drawers. Meggie was practical in her approach on what to keep and what to toss. Sometimes you need someone without emotional attachment to items to say, “I get that you want to keep all of the extra X, Y, Z from your wedding, but really, let’s just keep one and recycle the rest.” Right?
Lastly, Meggie is like an energizer bunny. She is very petite, but has so much positive energy – I loved having her come over to make a seemingly horrible project become fun. I highly, highly recommend you reach out to Meggie if you’re in need of organization help! You can follow her on Instagram here.