


My Favorite Artists

I absolutely love art, and I was so excited when Sasha and I finally agreed upon a Teil Duncan Bull painting recently (see here), which my aunts kindly bought for us. I Sasha that he likes Renoir-style paintings, which couldn’t be further from my taste. I love modern art. Not the minimalistic white canvas style, but bright, bold colors and interesting shapes. I have been bookmarking some of my favorites for ages, and hope to slowly win Sasha over to more and more paintings by Teil, Lulie, Britt, etc. I’ve put together some of my favorites below!

I am dying to know of other artists with similar styles. Do you know of any? Aren’t these six ladies exceptionally talented?

Update: Glitter Guide posted 12 Artists You Need to Know – amazing round up!

Teil Duncanteil

Michelle Armasmichelle

Britt Bass Turnerbrittb

Lulie WallaceLulie1

Blair CulwellBlair

Claire Desjardinsclaire


Dream Master Bedrooms

Sasha has finally (yes, finally!) agreed to redo our master bedroom. It was the only room in the house that we did not buy a new furniture set for when we moved, and I have been dying to decorate the room in a style that better sits both of us. I have long lusted after a crisp, cream room with a tall, fabric headboard, light bedside tables, a pop of color (perhaps in the pillows), a big mirror, tall bookshelf, big armoire, etc.

I have been saving images of my favorite master bedrooms on my computer, many of which are shown below. I will be bringing these with me as I begin my furniture shopping in the next few weeks. If you’ve got a good idea as to where I can find similar items to the pictures below in Houston (or online), please let me know! I’ve got Ethan Allen, West Elm, Restoration Hardware, Crate and Barrel, Design Within Reach, and Pottery Barn on my list.

You can also check out my dream kitchens and living room posts. Up next? Gorgeous office spaces.


Gal Meets Glam


Style Me Pretty Living

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My sister’s houseScreen Shot 2014-09-03 at 10.31.52 AM

My sister’s house

MG_8130-EditGlitter Guide
CupcakesCashmere_SMPLiving_BryceCovey_095Cupcakes and Cashmere


Style Me Pretty Living


Style Me Pretty Living


Style Me Pretty Living


Style Me Pretty Living


Style Me Pretty Living


New England Home


SF Girl by the Bay


Delorme Designs



No Place Like Home


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Work It Out

I genuinely believe that feeling good (i.e. stylish) in your workout clothes is one of the best inspirations to get yourself to the gym. I used to care a lot less about my exercise style, but have recently change my tone. My sister-in-law is a Lululemon fanatic – she owns everything from the store and has been amazing and gifted me lots of workout goodies. I recently purchased these Nike Lunarglide 6 Running Shoes and feel just as excited about them as a new pair of heels. They are amazing. If you’re in the market for a new pair of running kicks, I highly recommend these.

As soon as we’re back in Houston, I’m giving up my 24 Hour Fitness membership to get one to Life Time Fitness. One of my good friends has a membership there, and I’m excited about all of the classes we’re going to do together (and they have great daycare! Hooray!). I’ve put together some bright yellow inspired workout outfits for my three favorite activities – running, spin and yoga.

Do you enjoy buying workout clothing? What are your favorite running shoes?

Lastly, the winner of the BabyLit giveaway is Fiona! Congratulations!

workout gear


Nike Lunarglide 6 Running Shoes //  Sports Bra // Shorts


Nike Wrap Shoes // Lululemon Pants // Training Tank


Workout Shorts // Cycling Shoes // Tank

Featured image via Cyril Masson (check out her amazing workout photography)

Dream Kitchens

I recently posted about my dream living rooms and have since moved onto kitchens. The next house we move into will likely be a tear-down and rebuild, as we are constantly looking for old homes in our neighborhood to buy and renovate (similar to what we did with our current house). I love the idea of having a blank canvas to work with, especially for the kitchen, as this is the room we spend most time in at home. I love white kitchens, with white cabinets and white countertops. Until recently, I’ve lusted for Carrera marble countertops, but my mom told me that people have issues with stains, as the marble soaks up liquids (especially wine). My parents opted for Taj Mahal countertops, as they are almost as white but do not absorb liquids. I also love the idea of a rustic wooden island in the kitchen with all white cabinets. We currently have white tiles in our kitchen, and it’s the first thing in the house I would change, as I constantly have to wash them.

I’m sharing a few of my inspirations below! Do you have a favorite style of kitchen?


Hooked on Houses


Pink Peonies


Georgiana Design

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Dream Book Design



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My sister’s beautiful house


Cupcakes and Cashmere


Cupcakes and Cashmere


Glitter Guide


Glitter Guide

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Style Me Pretty Living

Save vs. Splurge: Fall Shoes

After checking, it looks like Texas is not entering into the fall season any time soon, but it definitely feels close here in Colorado.The lows here this week are around 47 degrees Fahrenheit (8 degrees Celsius), which definitely requires a jacket, jeans and boots. While spring is my favorite season, fall is a close second. I love the burgundy, browns, and deep greens of fall fashion, and most especially fall shoes. Some of my the pumps and booties that I’ve bookmarked cost a pretty penny (basically everything from Tory Burch), but there are also some really cute cheaper shoes that I’m eyeing (especially those from J. Crew Factory!).

I’ve put together a collection of splurges and thrifty finds below. Which is your favorite? Are you ready for fall to come?


1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5


1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

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