


Beauty Basics with Butter: Favorite Products (Plus, A Giveaway!)

Butter_Insta_Launchv2Today, my super sweet friend, Britt Lais Williams, is announcing the launch of her new makeup and hair business called Butter. Britt is so incredibly talented (she glammed me up for these fitness pictures and Isla’s first birthday photos and most recently did the same to Kristina this hippie shoot), and I know she will do great things with her new business. She’s been working in the industry for years and years, and has lots of amazing credits to her name.

As part of the official announcement today on Instagram, Brittany is doing a giveaway (valued at over $325!) which includes a complimentary hair and makeup session, as well as a Tom Ford lipstick in the color of your choice and the entire Fave4 line of hair sprays. And it’s super easy to enter:

  1. Follow @butterartistry on Instagram
  2. Like the launch photo (shown above)
  3. Tag three friends who would love to win these goodies!
  4. You can repost Britt’s post for an additional entry (make sure to tag @butterartistry and use #butterartistry in your caption/comment)

The contest ends at midnight on August 14. The winner will be announced by August 16.

In addition to the launch, Britt is sharing 9 of her favorite products with my blog readers! She wrote descriptions for all of the items below. I’m going to be ordering all of them (or adding to my Christmas list, ahem, Sasha!).

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Houston Bloggers at Blush and Brush

Two Sundays ago, I attended an event at Brush and Blush, a blow dry and makeup salon in the Memorial area, that was put on by Uncork Events (the newest venture of Christie of KiKiMac). We were joined by four other wonderful ladies: Michelle of Michelle Able Photography, Jenny of A Fine Flourish, Meredith of Cake and Confetti and Kim of Champagneista. We started the morning with blow outs (getting shampooed in massage chairs, seriously!), and I really loved the woman styling my hair. I was seated between Kim and Meredith, and we had lots to talk about, as this world is so tiny and we have tons of friends in common.

As the ladies were finishing up with our blowouts, we had two makeup tutorials: a smokey eye and contouring. I was the model for the eye, and Kim took on contouring. I love how both looks turned out. Now if only I could replicate it at home!

As we were getting all dolled up, we spoke with the owner, Greer, who is seriously so sweet. The salon is only 2.2 miles from our house, so it could not be more convenient to go to (ideally every day). I definitely will have to go back to get beautified again soon. A special thank you to Christie for organizing the event, Michelle for taking these amazing photos and Greer for hosting us!

PS I wore my new J. Crew Perforated Crepe Dress, and it’s the most comfortable dress ever.

Follow these pretty ladies on Instagram!

@michelleable [who took all of the photos below!] | @cakeandconfetti | @uncorkevents | @kikimacblog | @kimcasemyers | @afineflourish | @brushandblushbar

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Influenster BellaBox Review

4B3A0531I recently joined Influenster, which is a community of “trendsetters, social media hotshots, and educated consumers” (their words, not mine!) who live to give opinions of products and experiences. Influensters get to try new products from top brands, which is a pretty exciting part of the program. My friend, Maddie, introduced me, and I was so excited to get my first VoxBox this week – the BellaBox, filled with tons of exciting beauty products (and well, chocolate, so there’s that!). If you want to be a part of Influenster, click here [yup, that’s a referral link – I’d love if you used it!].

I’m reviewing all of the items that were in my VoxBox today! I think that I may be a little adventurous for the next box and do a vlog. Exciting stuff, right?


Stroller Fitness with Albion (Great Day Houston feature)

Awake-1050PaigeBuddeAileePetrovicStrollerCardioAwake-1054During my pregnancy, I experienced severe round ligament pain and was told by my ob-gyn that I needed to quit running. I was upset, as I wanted to stay active during my pregnancy and was afraid I would gain a lot of unnecessary weight if I couldn’t run. Thankfully, I found DEFINE’s spin classes and continued to do personal training sessions with the most amazing instructor, Mike Bina, until the day before I gave birth. Therefore, a week or so after Isla was born, I felt pretty darn good (remember this post?), as my body will still relatively in-shape from working out. It’s not recommended that you exercise for at least six weeks after delivery (for natural births), and even after that period of time, I was faced with the tough reality: when in the world would I be able to go to the gym? All of a sudden, the years of being a gym rat and workout lover seemed threatened by this adorable bundle of joy who needed my constant attention.

Fortunately, I am now able to leave Isla at the Life Time Fitness day care, but for days when the weather is nice or I don’t want to drive to the gym, I prefer to work out with Isla. Not only do we go running ‘together’ three times a week, I’m also able to work my core, legs, butt and arms with her right beside me in the stroller. My trainer, Mike, put together an amazing set of stroller fitness exercises so that moms can workout with their little ones. There are descriptions next to each exercise below, and I’m showing you some step-by-step photos for some of the tricky ones. These photographs were taken by the ever talented Paige of Awake Photography, who also took our family photos (here and here). There are more photos of Isla and I below all of the workout examples.

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be on Great Day Houston this morning at 9am CST. If you can’t catch it live, you can watch it here later in the day. It’s probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever done, but I would be lying if I said I am not nervous! I’m going to be showing some of these exercises alongside my friends, Sara and Kristy (of Seven Graces).

In the photos below, I’m wearing tops and pants from Albion, which is by far my favorite fitness line. Those Antigua leggings are perfect, and the Go Long Crew top is so comfortable. I feel so fancy wearing both! In honor of this stroller fitness post, Albion is offering the winner a $100 gift card. The giveaway will end on Friday, March 13th at 11:59pm. Good luck!


Valentine’s Day Style Guide

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Valentine’s Day is upon us, as we now have only four days until we celebrate ‘the day of romance.’ I’m not a big cheesy Valentine’s person, as I think that you should express your love to each other on a daily basis and not just on a Hallmark holiday. With this said, why buck the trend? Sasha and I will be celebrating with a romantic dinner at home this year, as we’re going out to eat with another couple on Friday and then have a baby shower during the day.

I do plan on getting dolled up for our meal, as it’s fun to put on something that makes you feel pretty every now and then (they weren’t kidding when they said this would become a novelty as a new mom!). I will likely wear a red dress or black pants and red blazer, as well as my NARS heat wave lipstick (obsessed – linked below). I’ve got a few nude heels that I’ll choose between and am getting a pedicure on Friday. I’m pretty darn excited about it all.