As someone who really appreciates photos, it makes sense that I love Instagram. I don’t have Facebook, so it’s my one social media vice. I try not to check it too often, but my self-control totally went out the window during NYFW. I was constantly scrolling through the pictures of the gorgeous shows – J. Crew! Ugh, perfect. Kate Spade? Gorgeous. Tory Burch? I want it all. However, my favorite part was seeing all of the fashion bloggers dressed to the nines. Some of my favorite looks are below. Which do you like best?


The Native Fox

The Pink Peonies

Ivory Lane

A Piece of Toast

The Fancy Pants Report

Gal Meets Glam

With Love From Kat

Brooklyn Blonde

Classy Girls Wear Pearls

Sequins and Stripes

Could I Have That?

Song of Style