



I got home late on Monday night from Boston, after spending the weekend there to site see, visit friends, and watch Georgia run the marathon. As you know by now, there were two bombs that went off around 2:50pm EST in the exact location our group had been standing at earlier in the day. I was on my way back to the finish line from the 21 mile marker and was super annoyed that we were stuck in the T, which was going to make us miss her (and potentially our flight). We got off at Arlington, and literally ran to Emily’s apartment at Dartmouth and Boylston (directly across from the finish). As we were on our way, people were frantically running the other way, many sobbing. All we heard was “bombs” and we saw smoke ahead of us in the direction we were going. The next five minutes were so scary – it’s a bit of a blur, but we saw Emily, ran full speed into her apartment, grabbed our bags, ran down the stairs, past throngs of police, medics, and firemen and five streets over until we found a cab. It wasn’t until we were in the car that the reality of the situation hit. There are countless people injured by the attack, and multiple confirmed dead. What a horrific chain of events.

Before the turn of events took place on Monday, our trip to New England had been really exciting (and cold!). Below are pictures from Saturday and Sunday. I’ll do a separate Marathon post soon.










featured image via

Dunton Hot Springs

My older sister is getting married in less than a month, and I could not be more excited for her and her fiance. They chose the most gorgeous wedding location in Dunton Hot Springs, Colorado, which is an hour outside of Durango, where my parents just bought a house. They have rented the entire “town” – which holds 44 guests (small wedding!). The scenery is beautiful, as are the bride and groom. McKenzie and Bryan are coming too, so we’ll spend the weekend gallivanting around Colorado before the wedding on Sunday evening. Check out these pictures on Style Me Pretty – eeps! Cannot wait.



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Four Years of Travel in Review

I love to travel. If you’re read more than one blog post of mine, you’ll likely know this. I have a goal of going to 50 countries by the time I’m 50, and I’m on track – Indonesia (where we’re going in December) will be my 25th country to visit (and I’m 25). Traveling is the most exhilarating thing in the world, and as a photo-lover, the best inspiration. I look through my pictures often (and print most!) – I picked a few of my favorites from my last four years’ (international-only) travel. If you want to go to any of these places, ask me! I’d love to share advice. Have a good Good Friday!


Honeymoon Series: Bali

We have explored all sorts of options for the honeymoon – our favorites being Croatia, New Zealand, and Thailand. Then, as I mentioned in my previous post, I stumbled upon Entouriste and my mind was made – we’re going to Bali! In her post about Bali, Ami talks about her visits in Ubud, which is about an hour away from our hotel – the Conrad Bali Resort & Spa (see pictures below). After reading about her experiences (and seeing those pictures!), we’ll definitely make a trip north to see those sites as well. I am so excited – and relieved to have picked a spot! While the wedding is in July, we’ll wait until December to go, as Sasha has finals at the end of November. It’s a long, long journey there (29 hours, to be exact), but I know it’ll be worth it!

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