Week in Review

Happy November! It’s Thursday, and I’m just now getting around to writing Monday’s post. It’s been a busy week so far – family photos, newborn photos, house progress (woohoo!), Halloween!!! I stopped by the new house yesterday morning to put blue tape on the walls where they need to install the toilet paper and towel holders, and it’s looking ALMOST DONE. I cannot believe it. Today, a cleaning crew arrives and will spend two days taking up the protective floor coverings, undusting everything and getting ready for final paint touch-ups. We still have a lot to do outside – i.e. all the landscaping, turf and pool, so we’ve got three weeks left but the end is in sight finally.

Last night was so fun – can’t wait to share photos next week! I’m teaching a photo class today, tomorrow and Saturday, so I need to run and prep for that. Here are some of my favorite photos from the past week. We ate multiple meals with family and friends, had fun at the girls’ school Scarecrow Festival (whew, glad it’s over though!), enjoyed a great church service, took tons of family photos (my busiest week of pictures this year!), and snapped a few of myself for a HelloFresh collab. Time is flying by (hallelujah for being almost 26 weeks pregnant). I am so excited to get into the holiday season!

Next week is Halloween, can you even handle that?! We left a cuteheads holiday shoot on Friday, and Isla asked me (rather distraught), “Mommy, did we miss Halloween?”…