
Best Baby Items on Etsy


The Best Baby Items on Etsy (Giveaway!)

the best baby items and stores on etsyI love Etsy. The fact that there is now a marketplace for entrepreneurial artisans all across the world to share their unique goods is just amazing to me. What did we do without it?

I have always been a big Etsy fan, but not necessarily an avid shopper. That is, until the moment I found out I was pregnant with Isla. Etsy is the mecca for adorable baby products – bows, leggings, blankets, teethers, birth announcements, baby shower decor, mobiles, etc. I’ve scoured the site over the last year and have ordered a number of baby products – some of which I love to pieces and want to share with you. And what’s even better is that my favorite seven shop owners (Les Petits DarlingsBy George Baby BoutiqueNomad Floral Designs, Smiling Tree ToysBaby Grace HoustonMax & Me, and Happiness Lives Here) have agreed to give away some of their amazing products to one lucky winner of the giveaway below (over a $200 value!). The giveaway ends at midnight on Sunday, January 18. Good luck!

the best baby items and stores on etsy les petits darlings

Colorful Leggings & Shirts from Les Petits Darlings

I first came across Les Petits Darlings (Etsy + website) on my favorite Instagram account – @kristygirl of The Benzer Bunch. Her daughter, Livi (Seriously? Could she be any cuter?) has lots of leggings from Les Petits Darlings, and I love them all. I decided to get Isla the cotton candy ones, because I am obsessed with how bright and whimsical they are. I can’t wait to order another pair – and I know I need the crowd pleaser t-shirt for Valentine’s Day. It is insanely cute.

I have to warn you – browsing this site is slightly dangerous, because if you’re like me, you’re going to want everything you see.

Sharon, the owner of Les Petits Darlings, is kindly giving away one of the brand new Valentine’s Day t-shirts to the giveaway winner!

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