


2016 Gift Guide for the Little Ones

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The second gift guide is for ‘little ones’ (there will be a separate list for baby’s first Christmas!), and I could have included fifty items in this roundup because there are so many cute gift options for toddlers and young kids.

If you’re looking for something educational, this magnetic alphabet book is perfect for kids 2 and older. I’ve ordered it for Isla for Christmas, because she currently loves going over her letters and spelling words aloud (repeating after us, of course). If you’ve got a musical kid in mind, this guitar and this xylophone (or Isla-phone, as my little one calls it) are perfect – reasonably priced and really good quality too.

2016 Gift Guide for the Hostess

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I’m kicking off my 2016 holiday gift guide series with suggestions for the hostess-with-the-mostess in your life. Whether it’s the cutest cheese board ever, this adorable mask bottle opener, or this ‘Fancy Another?’ serving tray (in just a few months, I’ll take one two three others!), any party thrower would love to receive these gifts. 

Week in Review

Happy Monday! It feels like the rain has not stopped in months here in Houston, although it’s only been a few weeks. I do not know how people survive in a city like Seattle, where rain is the norm, as I’m about to go stir crazy. Before having Isla, I could still leave the house, knowing I would just dash out of my car and under cover. Now that I have to go around the side of the car, get her car seat out and sometimes her stroller too, I end up drenched if I try to brave the rain… so lately, I haven’t been. Dear mother nature, please stop.

Besides the weather, the past week was very productive. Preparations for the wedding shower we’re hosting at the house are underway, which unfortunately for Sasha meant scrubbing the grout in our kitchen on Saturday night and applying a new layer of sealant. Fun times at the Petrovic household!

Some of the main highlights from the week include:

  • Isla’s giggle fit at my terrible cheerleading jumps – watch here!
  • A trip to Thompson+Hanson for some flowers – I am obsessed with this nursery [as well as the attached restaurant – Tiny Boxwoods]
  • Finding a dress [option #1 at least] for the shower – the Aubrey dress by Equipment [this one, but in pink]
  • Meeting Alexis and sweet little Kevin at True Food Kitchen for the first time [it’s so good – definitely heading back again soon]
  • Isla asking McKenzie to be her Godmother [she accepted, thank goodness!]
  • Adding strawberries, raspberries and fusilli pasta to Isla’s current food menu [avocados, carrots, apples, bananas and sweet potatoes] – going to try broccoli and cauliflower next!
  • Hosting a dinner party and playing the most outrageously fun games – Cards Against Humanity and Head’s Up [Ellen DeGeneres’ iPhone game]
  • Receiving these gorgeous workout pants and this comfy top from Albion –  you’ll see more of them soon!
  • Finally breaking into the winter diaper patterns from Honest Co. – the bears are my favorite ones
  • Celebrating Serbian Christmas Eve service in Galveston on Tuesday and then Serbian Christmas in town on Wednesday – it’s so nice to get to party twice in one year!
  • Receiving our three Little Animal Print Shop darlings in the mail and hanging them immediately in the playroom
  • Packaging up the invitations for the shower and getting them shipped out (nothing like being last minute!) as well as getting together with the hostesses to plan everything out!

How was your week? What were your highlights?


Week in Review

I hope everyone had a merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah – can you believe it’s all over? I am seriously in a state of denial. I cannot believe 2015 is just a handful of days away. I am excited to see what the new year brings.

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day with my parents in Katy, which is only 20 minutes away from our house (a short enough drive to do throughout the day to let Belle in and out of the house). I was taken aback when Karine and Jill (my older and younger sisters) asked to change the family tradition of watching Christmas Vacation on Christmas Eve (I discussed it here), but it all ended up working out as we agreed to watch Frozen as a family (obsessed). We woke up nice and early with stockings at the end of our bed. Isla wasn’t quite as excited as I was! After waking up Karine and Jill, we opened stockings then gifts. I got the colorful Riad rug from West Elm (in photos below), a new steamer, a T3 Featherweight Luxe 2i Ion Generator Hair Dryer (it dries my hair in half the time!), amongst other lovely gifts from my family. One of the major highlights of the entire day was opening all of the incredible gifts (so well wrapped that I was slightly hesitant to do so) from my sweet friend Mara (of Hook Thread & Tinker). She is amazing and sent the most adorable and thoughtful presents for me, Isla, Sasha, and Belle. I wanted to hug her, but she was off vacationing in Mexico (jealous).

The week was pretty chaotic getting ready for Christmas and then getting ready for Isla’s Christening on Saturday. I will be sharing photos and details of the ceremony and reception tomorrow (taken by the very talented Christie of KiKiMac). Other highlights include:

  • Meeting my coworker-turned-friend for lunch at Ruggles Gree, taking a stroll through Town and Country (this does not normally happen in Houston, as proven by the lack of sidewalks for strollers) and picking up some clothes at Gap and books at Barnes and Noble
  • Trying a new feeding method that is working! We are now doing baby-led-weaning (or BLW) instead of feeding Isla purees, and so far, so good. Isla has been smearing her face in banana, apple and avocado for a week, but also eating a lot of it, which is a good step forward
  • Playing with our x-Isla-phone a lot… it’s so much fun (mainly for me, I think)
  • Sitting in the shopping cart at HEB for the first time using our new Infantino Cloud Cart Cover
  • Going to REI on Boxing Day for my family’s annual ‘jacket trip’ – Sasha and Isla left with new thermal jackets (see photo below), and I got some cold weather running gear
  • Spending time with all of Sasha’s cousins who are in town for the holidays
  • Making floral arrangements for many hours on Friday to prepare for Isla’s Christening the following day (which meant a trip to Southern Floral Co, HEB, Whole Foods and Trader Joes!)
  • Having a semi-lazy Sunday due to all of the heavy rain in Houston! I loved it
  • Baking up a storm with recipes from the delicious raw vegan cookbook that Mara gave me… I will be sharing my favorites soon!
  • Finishing three Shutterfly projects: a family birthday calendar for Serbian Christmas (January 6), a Christening book, and my annual 2014 book (I’ll share later!) – there are always incredible sales taking place, and I totally jumped at the sound of 40% off (especially since I ordered 16 items)

This week, I’ve got to write a million thank you cards for Christmas and the Christening, as well as get started on my friend Amanda’s wedding envelopes. We’re heading to the Texas vs. Arkansas game tonight (my level of excitement is around a 0.4 – not a football fan!) – I will be a good sport though for Sasha (the ultimate football fan). What do you have planned for this week? How were your holidays?


Week in Review

I cannot believe that next week’s ‘Week in Review’ post will be recapping Christmas [insert little kid excitement!!!]. I love this time of year so much! I am finally done with gifts, but haven’t wrapped them all yet. I am a terrible wrapper, so I tend to procrastinate with this task or revert to gift bags at the last minute.

I really enjoyed this past week, as I got to catch up with a handful of friends. However, there was a tremendously low moment of the week: Isla’s 6 month appointment, which I braved alone. Four shots almost did me and Isla both in. I hate needles, and so far, Isla does too. Ugh. So terrible! She is the 94% for height – I cannot wait to see how tall she ends up being.

Some of the big highlights from the week include:

  • Seeing sweet Simon (Mara of Hook Thread & Tinker‘s son) with his little menorah (see stolen Instagram photo below)! Happy Hanukkah!
  • Exchanging gifts with McKenzie early, as she’s heading to Illinois to spend Christmas with her boyfriend’s family (most comfy J. Crew slippers ever!!)
  • Watching Isla play with her new Xylophone (also gifted by McKenzie) – or as we call it, the Isla-Phone (lots of photos below)
  • Seeing Isla pull herself up using her crib bars – which also scares me, but thankfully we lowered the crib last week!
  • Meeting Santa Claus at Memorial City Mall (horribly unfriendly staff, but wonderful Santa!)
  • Eating lunch with one of my closest friends at Adair Kitchen (love that lady!)
  • Catching up with one of my parent’s good friends at the house – she gave Isla the cutest little tulle skirt outfit!
  • Celebrating Isla’s Godfather’s Christening on Sunday – he had to get Christened before he could officially get the new title!
  • Spending time with my sister-in-law who is in Texas for most of the month of December thanks to the recent launch of Google Fiber in Austin
  • Breaking bread at our house (and by that, I mean mimosas) with my roommate from college – truly one of my favorite people ever! She’s wonderful
  • Updating my annual Shutterfly book – I was 6 months behind, so that took quite awhile!
  • Visiting my (super tiny and pregnant) friend Julie and her sweet daughter Evie
  • Attending my niece’s Christmas performance of the 12 Days of Christmas (cutest thing ever)
  • Singing Christmas carols and enjoying an early candlelit service (tradition discussed here)
  • Witnessing Isla get very, very excited about her bedtime story (Good Night, I Love You)
  • Spending much of Saturday at my parents house and strolling Isla around the neighborhood in her Balmoral Silver Cross Pram (imported from the UK upon news of my pregnancy)
  • Finishing my very first set of wedding invitations (doing the calligraphy, not the design!)
  • Enjoying a full night’s sleep – after numerous nights in a row, I can now say that Isla is sleeping from 6pm to 5:45-6am (ouch, still early)! It took some painful CIO nights, but it worked!
  • Teaching Isla to drink from a sippy cup! So far, so good. And this week we will begin to teach Isla sign language with the Signing Time DVD (very excited about this!)

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