


Durango City Guide


In 2012, my parents bought a home in Durango, much to our dismay, as we were rooting for a lake house in Austin. We are now so glad they ignored our pleas, as this old-timey city has definitely won over our hearts (and the lack of Texas humidity is a huge bonus). Durango has everything you could possibly need in a getaway city – great food and drinks, amazing views, fun activities, good shopping (well, not high fashion), and perfect weather (ahem, except perhaps the freezing cold winters). We’re fortunate enough to live just two streets over from Main Avenue, which is where most of the restaurants and shops are found. Given that most things in Texas are driving distance, it’s nice to be able to walk to dinner. We also take advantage of the proximity to the mountains and Animas river, and spend the days outside hiking, biking, rafting, running, etc.

If you’re looking for a fun Colorado vacation spot, I highly recommend making a trip to Durango. And if you come, I suggest trying some of the following restaurants, juice bars, ice cream shops, parks and adventure centers. If you have already been to Durango, am I missing anything?

 Food and Drinks

Carver’s Brewing Co.: This brewery is a favorite in our family, as it’s just two streets over from my parent’s house and the food is delicious. I typically order the Sesame Seared Ahi Stir Fry (substitute tofu for Ahi) or the veggie burger without the bun and a salad versus fries. Both options are delicious. Sasha normally gets the Tatanka (buffalo) burger and also loves it. They have big to-go beers called “Growlers” (discounted refills), so naturally Sasha and Dad have to drink one or two of those to prove their Colorado manliness.

Stroller Fitness with Albion (Great Day Houston feature)

Awake-1050PaigeBuddeAileePetrovicStrollerCardioAwake-1054During my pregnancy, I experienced severe round ligament pain and was told by my ob-gyn that I needed to quit running. I was upset, as I wanted to stay active during my pregnancy and was afraid I would gain a lot of unnecessary weight if I couldn’t run. Thankfully, I found DEFINE’s spin classes and continued to do personal training sessions with the most amazing instructor, Mike Bina, until the day before I gave birth. Therefore, a week or so after Isla was born, I felt pretty darn good (remember this post?), as my body will still relatively in-shape from working out. It’s not recommended that you exercise for at least six weeks after delivery (for natural births), and even after that period of time, I was faced with the tough reality: when in the world would I be able to go to the gym? All of a sudden, the years of being a gym rat and workout lover seemed threatened by this adorable bundle of joy who needed my constant attention.

Fortunately, I am now able to leave Isla at the Life Time Fitness day care, but for days when the weather is nice or I don’t want to drive to the gym, I prefer to work out with Isla. Not only do we go running ‘together’ three times a week, I’m also able to work my core, legs, butt and arms with her right beside me in the stroller. My trainer, Mike, put together an amazing set of stroller fitness exercises so that moms can workout with their little ones. There are descriptions next to each exercise below, and I’m showing you some step-by-step photos for some of the tricky ones. These photographs were taken by the ever talented Paige of Awake Photography, who also took our family photos (here and here). There are more photos of Isla and I below all of the workout examples.

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be on Great Day Houston this morning at 9am CST. If you can’t catch it live, you can watch it here later in the day. It’s probably one of the coolest things I’ve ever done, but I would be lying if I said I am not nervous! I’m going to be showing some of these exercises alongside my friends, Sara and Kristy (of Seven Graces).

In the photos below, I’m wearing tops and pants from Albion, which is by far my favorite fitness line. Those Antigua leggings are perfect, and the Go Long Crew top is so comfortable. I feel so fancy wearing both! In honor of this stroller fitness post, Albion is offering the winner a $100 gift card. The giveaway will end on Friday, March 13th at 11:59pm. Good luck!


Work It Out

I genuinely believe that feeling good (i.e. stylish) in your workout clothes is one of the best inspirations to get yourself to the gym. I used to care a lot less about my exercise style, but have recently change my tone. My sister-in-law is a Lululemon fanatic – she owns everything from the store and has been amazing and gifted me lots of workout goodies. I recently purchased these Nike Lunarglide 6 Running Shoes and feel just as excited about them as a new pair of heels. They are amazing. If you’re in the market for a new pair of running kicks, I highly recommend these.

As soon as we’re back in Houston, I’m giving up my 24 Hour Fitness membership to get one to Life Time Fitness. One of my good friends has a membership there, and I’m excited about all of the classes we’re going to do together (and they have great daycare! Hooray!). I’ve put together some bright yellow inspired workout outfits for my three favorite activities – running, spin and yoga.

Do you enjoy buying workout clothing? What are your favorite running shoes?

Lastly, the winner of the BabyLit giveaway is Fiona! Congratulations!

workout gear


Nike Lunarglide 6 Running Shoes //  Sports Bra // Shorts


Nike Wrap Shoes // Lululemon Pants // Training Tank


Workout Shorts // Cycling Shoes // Tank

Featured image via Cyril Masson (check out her amazing workout photography)

Week 7 in Durango

Week 7 has come and gone very quickly, with the holiday weekend and my parents arriving in Colorado. We are going back to Houston in one week from today – I am so ready to hug (i.e. squeeze to death) my friends, but so sad to leave this gorgeous weather and valuable family time.

In the past week, we hiked up to Fort Lewis College every morning, tried a new restaurant (Chimayo – amazing and will definitely be on my updated Durango Travel Guide), went to the Saturday farmer’s market (delicious hatch peppers and tasty wheat grass drinks!), made some crepe paper peonies (DIY here), baked more vegan black bean brownies as well as these amazing and healthy cookies, ate even more Cream Bean Berry, watched Isla play with her ‘Mimi’ and ‘Papa’, dominated my parents in Taboo, and practiced playing bean bag toss (I’m awful). The only low point of the week was getting stung by a wasp twice (in my hand and leg) – totally unprovoked on my end! Not fun.

Lastly, I recently set up a Facebook page and Instagram account for Snapshots & My Thoughts. I would love if you were to follow along so I can follow you too! Thanks for reading. xoxo

Read about our time in Durango here: Week 1 | Week 2 and 3 | Week 4Week 5Week 6
















Week 6 in Durango

Week six has come and gone, leaving Isla almost 12 weeks old and us with only a few weeks left in Colorado. We had our favorite weekend so far, given that one of my best friends, Kirby, her husband, Brett, and their adorable 7 week old, Lillian, came to visit us. They arrived on Thursday, and we filled the next four days with multiple hikes, raft rides, walks through town, a visit to Durango Mountain Resort, and plenty of laughter and relaxation at the house. After the girls went down, we played games like Taboo (obsessed) and categories (we amazed the boys with our sports knowledge). It is such a blessing to have a best friend with a daughter so close in age to Isla – now we just need them to move to Texas from Oklahoma City!

Below you’ll find some photographs from the past week – lots of Lillian and Isla, including her new sassy shorts from Sugarplum Lane. Only two more weeks left! I cannot believe it.

Reminder: Today is the last day to enter the BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier We giveaway. You have until Friday to enter the BabyLit giveaway and until Sunday to use the promo code ‘Isla’ for 40% off all books (this is a great deal!).


Me and my sleepy head while at Durango Mountain Resort


Two generations of best friends

Sneak peak of my floral arrangement for week 2 of Nicole’s Classes




Isla was cracking me up during the taking of these pictures – that tongue! Similar J. Crew onesie and similar RH Baby & Child Lovey



The future best friends in their matching Baby Gap rompers



Our OKC Thunder loving lady and squeaky Sophie



Kirby and her mini-me, Lillian, in this sweet J. Crew polka dot onesie


These are my new favorite shorts ever – can I get a pair?


Isla loves her Sugarplum Lane shorts and Carter’s top


Serious father-daughter conversations (those are some serious duck lips!)




Isla is one messy lady, so we’re loving these J. Crew tanks – puke resistant!


Brett was prepping for the alpine slide race with Sasha | Cutest dads ever | The view of downtown Durango from our morning hikes