


Five Favorite Fall 2015 Trends

FiveFavorite2015FallTrendsAlthough it may still be 90+ degrees here in Houston, I can tell cooler temperatures are on the horizon. Summer fashion is definitely my favorite, as I love colorful shorts and breezy dresses, but I do have an appreciation for fall trends, as it’s nice to change it up after months of feeling very casual. This year’s Pantone colors are so gorgeous! I am very excited about the trends this season, and I’m sharing my five favorites below. What are your thoughts on the styles below? What is your favorite fall trend? Are you ready for the new season?

Fall 2015 Trends Matchy Match2

Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Early Access

07-09-15-p01-cid0709156287-7-adam-8a3cbcf6-a7ce-4e14-bb85-a4c201541ed4-fil-fileIn case you haven’t received a million emails already or seen it promoted on social media, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is taking place right now with early access to cardholders from July 9th to 16th, and then ‘all access’ from the 17th to 19th. I only own two store credit cards – one to Nordstrom and the other to J. Crew. The Nordstrom card has huge perks, mainly being the Nordstrom Notes you receive (cash back discounts), free alterations and access to exclusive events. If you don’t own a Nordstrom card, but shop there a few times a year, I definitely think it’s worth it – especially since you can access this incredible sale.

Ever since Isla was born, I’ve bought way more clothing for her than for myself (typical Mom problem, right?), but I decided to take advantage of this sale and bought a few items, like these colorful workout pants, these confetti-like earrings, these boyfriend jeans, and these casual transition booties.


Summer Wardrobe Staples

My favorite season for fashion is definitely summer, as I love flowy dresses, colorful shorts and comfy sandals. I am not a big layerer, so the fall and winter cause me anxiety when it comes to getting dressed, but warm weather seems so much easier to dress for.

Isla was born at the beginning of last summer, so I spent almost the entire season wearing workout clothes. I’m much more stringent now about changing out of workout clothes by lunchtime, after I finish working out. My summer uniform normally consists of a light summer dress or colorful shorts and a light, neutral top. I’ve rounded up some items I own, as well as others I’ve been lusting at (ahem, this Mara Hoffman swimsuit). The pieces are all practical, re-wearable, and affordable (for the most part).

What does your summer wardrobe look like? Would you buy any of these summer staples?

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Talk Derby to Me

535808f0b7739$!900xThis Saturday is the 141st Kentucky Derby (they were doing this in 1874?!), and we’re going to a Derby party at Julep on Saturday. Ashley of Sugar & Cloth and Meredith of Cake & Confetti are styling the event, so you know it’s going to look fabulous.

The obvious predicament Derby-goers are faced with is their outfit for the big day. The Race for the Roses is notorious for the fashionable attendees, almost as much as the actual horse race. I’ve put together four outfits to help you decide what to wear, each being inspired by various style icons: Kate Middleton, Sarah Vickers, Lauren Conrad and Erin Andrews. Which is your favorite look? Are you getting dolled up for the Derby this year?

Favorite Floral Fashions


Dress | Crown | Cards | Shoes | Pillow

There is no print in the whole wide world that I love more than floral. I not-so-patiently wait for the arrival of spring so that I can dust off my bright floral dresses and blouses to don. And then comes peony season. I cannot wait for these gorgeous flowers to start inundating my Instagram feed. It’s just the best.

I am constantly adding florals to my Shop page, and so I wanted to do a post sharing all of my flowery favorites. As a completely closeted (until now, I suppose) Kylie and Kendall fan (I refuse to follow them on Instagram, but totally stalk), I thought I would never be able to pull the trigger on these Madden Girl shoes (amn’t I a bit old?); however, if Rachel thinks it’s cool, then why the heck should I not? Great logic, n’est-ce pas?