


Happy Second Birthday, Georgie Margot!

My little spark plug turned two today! Georgie has more personality in her pinky finger than I do in my whole body (and sheer stubbornness too!) – as evidenced by the photos we took this past week. She has learned so much over the past year, but waiting until the count of 3 and tossing confetti are definitely not in her skillset just yet. That and jumping – but watching her attempt is just too cute.

It’s hard to believe that two years have passed since she was placed in my arms at the hospital. There is so much growth in the first two years of life. It amazes me. Just this morning, she got on Emi’s scooter and was riding around the house, yelling, “MAMA, WATCH! DADA, WATCH! WATCH!” Her vocabulary has exploded, as has her agility – she didn’t walk until April! She is a social butterfly, but can also be shy in new situations (that hasn’t happened much since everything shut down in March!). She absolutely loves music and dancing (especially to Party in the USA or doing Ring-Around-the-Roses), loves playing with her “sissies,” making messes (ha, but seriously), and doing everything herself (“Georgie walk! Georgie do it! Georgie brush!”).

Happy Fourth Birthday, Emilia Wilkie!

I just had the best trip down memory lane, looking back at photos from Emi’s third birthday, second birthday, and first birthday! It is incredible how fast life is flying by; however, Emi turning four last Friday felt right. She is about to become a big BIG sister in three weeks after all.

Last Thursday, on her Birthday Eve, we snuck off to snap some photos during Isla’s tennis lesson. She had an absolute blast – dancing and playing peek-a-boo behind her balloons. A million people stopped to tell her happy birthday, and after a bunch of “thank yous,” she started telling people she was a T-Rex who was celebrating her fourth birthday. They’re currently studying dinosaurs at school, so it made sense, but also resulted in a lot of chuckles. She is, by far, the funniest Petrovic – always cracking jokes.