


Valentine’s Gift Guide for Him

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On Tuesday, I posted a Valentine’s Day gift guide for the ladies, and today, I’m sharing some suggestions for what to buy your man. When I asked Sasha what men want for Valentine’s Day, he replied, “Nothing.” Typical.

However, some men are not quite as frugal as my Mr. Romantic, and if the love of your life falls into this category, I’ve got some gift recommendations for you. They are all relatively inexpensive too!

For the well-groomed man, I would buy Chanel Allure After Shave Lotion ($55, and swoon… it smells like heaven) or the cheaper option – Prospector Co. Brummell Shave Creme from J. Crew ($18).

Gift Guide for the Outdoorsman

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Last week, I published a Gift Guide for the Gadget Guy, which involved lots of research and consultation with my dad and Sasha. I had to do the same with today’s guide for the outdoorsman, which, conveniently, is what both these men consider themselves. While in Durango this summer, we got to test out a lot of outdoorsy products, as we spent the majority of the day outside. We bought these Bunjo chairs, which are seriously amazing. We tried them out at Sports Authority and sat there for quite a while – too comortable to get up!

My dad has this CamelBak water purifying bottle, which after watching endless episodes of Naked and Afraid (guilty!), I wish the contestants could have! It’s genius. We recently bought our good friend this cordless Dewalt drill, which Sasha geeks out over (and Brett did too!).

Sasha’s MBA Graduation Announcements

Today, my husband graduates from The University of Texas at Austin – McCombs School of Business with a Master of Business Administration. It feels like yesterday that I posted this acceptance post (June 28, 2012 – “my boyfriend”!). He has spent so much time and effort after work studying, doing homework, having late night study groups calls, etc. and then spending every second weekend (sometimes back-to-back) in class. Needless to say, it has not been a fun process for him, but he has learned a lot and says it’s definitely worth it.

The plan since day 1 has been that I would attend his graduation, but this week has been rather tough – my back hurts, legs hurt, etc. and my doctor advised me not go to Austin with only 2.5 weeks until our due date. It took lots of convincing from Sasha, my mom, and friends, but we decided the best thing for me to do is stay put and cheer from afar (and FaceTime!). I am obviously very upset to miss this milestone occasion, but understand the reason. I did faint in the car two weeks ago on the drive back from Austin!

For Sasha’s graduation, I designed letterpress announcements that I had printed by Czar Press. They were so great to work with. I did the calligraphy on all 50 envelopes (which took much longer than expected!) using Crane envelopes from Paperworks. We included a small square picture of Sasha and Belle, and I secretly snuck in a ‘Congratulate Sasha’ card with a pre-stamped return envelope (addressed to my parents – bought at Paper Source). I gave him all of his presents last night, including the notes we got back. He was very surprised, and we had a great time reading them – laughs and tears.

Congratulations, Sasha, I am so proud of you! I wish more than anything I could be there with a foghorn! Hook ’em!

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