


Golden Baby Announcement

If you’ve seen some of the nursery inspiration I’ve posted so far, you can likely guess that the color gold will have a huge influence in all things related to our baby girl! When I saw these golden calligraphy baby announcements by Val Marie Paper on Oh So Beautiful Paper, I swooned. I fell in love with Val’s stationery skills back here.

Favorite pieces of these announcements: First, the name Vivi Mae is so darn cute (we’ll share our name soon!); secondly, that baby is adorable; third of all, that calligraphy by Katherine Holly is amazing. I cannot wait for my two upcoming calligraphy workshops!







Post: Oh So Beautiful Paper

Design: Val Marie Paper

Newborn Photo: Ell Photography

Calligraphy: Katherine Holly

Photo Credits: Val Marie Paper

Calligraphy Workshop


I love calligraphy. Not the old school copperplate kind, but contemporary lettering. This sounds absurd, but I could look at cursive lettering all day long. I have looked into taking classes in Houston, but everyone I find seems to teach the super slanted, loopy calligraphy, and I’m not interested in learning that. When Amy and Riley at Papellerie showed me our logo and invitations with Michele of Meant To Be Calligraphy‘s handwriting, I swooned. “That is the type of calligraphy I want to learn,” I thought to myself. While my handwriting is far from perfect, I do have a very steady hand and am constantly doodling cursive words in meetings and at church (while paying attention, of course!). Michele lives in DC and holds workshops at a local venue, and I’m going to one in February. I’m extraordinarily excited to take my first class (with my mom!) and also to have another trip to one of my favorite cities in the US. Have you been to DC before? If not, you should. Perhaps just to eat the veggie burger and popcorn at Founding Farmers.
