


Gift Guide for the Outdoorsman

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Last week, I published a Gift Guide for the Gadget Guy, which involved lots of research and consultation with my dad and Sasha. I had to do the same with today’s guide for the outdoorsman, which, conveniently, is what both these men consider themselves. While in Durango this summer, we got to test out a lot of outdoorsy products, as we spent the majority of the day outside. We bought these Bunjo chairs, which are seriously amazing. We tried them out at Sports Authority and sat there for quite a while – too comortable to get up!

My dad has this CamelBak water purifying bottle, which after watching endless episodes of Naked and Afraid (guilty!), I wish the contestants could have! It’s genius. We recently bought our good friend this cordless Dewalt drill, which Sasha geeks out over (and Brett did too!).

Week 5 in Durango

Week five has come and gone, and ohmygosh, I am not ready to go back to the ‘real world’ (i.e. Texas). However, I do miss everyone like crazy, and cannot wait to hug all of my family and friends. This past week flew by in anticipation of one of my best friends, Kirby, arriving on Thursday. I managed to run every day this past week, clock between 13,000-20,000 steps every day, enjoy short hikes to the top of a nearby mountain in the mornings, continue my Illustrator 101 and Floral Arranging 101 classes, work on the blog (some fun giveaways coming up soon!), and spend lots of time with Sasha, Belle (our dog) and sweet Isla. We also hiked the 6 mi. trail of the Animas Mountain together for the first time – Sasha and I did it last Labor Day when we were visiting (see photos here).

As you can tell from the thousands of photos below, I love taking pictures of Isla’s cute face, because I know I won’t have as much time to once we are back in Houston (and because she cannot yet tell me to stop).

In case you want to keep track of our Colorado sabbatical, you can also read about Week 1, Weeks 2 and 3, and Week 4.




Isla being sassy in her Carter’s Romper (similar here) – that last face kills me – her personality is shining through


Pretty in pink (and white!)


Cheesin’ it up




Hot pink is my absolute favorite (similar bodysuit here)


Someone was none-too-pleased with us taking photos before she got to eat ‘lunch’


Bows on bows on bows (buy dress here) – and Sophie the Giraffe making an appearance (and Isla loves her hands if you can’t tell!)


I swear this isn’t a hunger cue, Isla just adores her hands (praying this is ‘self soothing’!)


Kisses from her ‘Tata’ and (the much dreaded) tummy time (similar outfit here)



Saturday mornings are for PJs and superman time with dad


Her hair is seriously out of control, but I love it


Isla’s little Gap peplum top and leggings


This was taken after five minutes in her new heaven – i.e. the Skip Hop Treetop Friends Activity Gym… she’s enamored (this is a GREAT baby shower gift)





Loving the views from the top of the Animas Mountain – Isla loves the view from over my shoulder (her favorite holding position)



Vegan ice cream at Cream Bean Berry – my one true weakness!


Isla LOVES (eating) this lovie!


A sneak preview of my first homework assignment from Floral Arranging 101 (more to come tomorrow!)

Three weeks left! Have a great day. xo


Sutcliffe Vineyards

On Saturday, we packed up two cars (Sasha’s mom, her friend, my sister and her boyfriend were visiting) and headed to Cortez, Colorado to visit Sutcliffe Vineyards. My parents are friends with the owner, John Sutcliffe, who is definitely the most interesting man alive. Sasha and I met John for the first time a few weeks ago when he came over for dinner, and he invited us to visit the vineyard for a private tasting and we took him up on the offer. The hour and a half drive was over rolling hills, next to spectacular mountains – everywhere you looked, there was a photo opportunity. Unfortunately, Sasha was driving, so we didn’t stop once! The vineyard is centered around a tall, red tower which you’ll see on the wine labels. The fields and fields of grapes are uncharacteristic of the dry, mountainous views next to it. The wine is phenomenal – my favorite is the Petit Verdot, which you can purchase online. Isla was extremely well-behaved during the trip, except for the 5 minutes when she was hungry and refused a bottle that I had pumped earlier! We need to work on that (although I selfishly don’t mind just feeding her myself!). My favorite part of the trip was not the amazing wine, nor the gorgeous scenery, but John’s fascinating stories. The man refuses to not pick up a hitch hiker (plenty of good stories to accompany that), he rattles off detailed accounts of his eccentric Uncle Percy who lived in England and wore WWII soldier apparel around town although he did not go to war,  and tells the story about the vineyard’s conception being that his architect told him grape leaves would make for a good view out of his dining room window. I mean, really? If you’re ever in the Telluride or Durango area, I highly recommend visiting Sutcliffe Vineyards and meeting John. You and your taste buds won’t regret it!










Our Durango Adventure

large copyI learned two of my favorite quotes from my American Literature course at The University of Texas at Austin. Both relate to nature (such a treehugger!). I posted the Thoreau quote here. The other one is a quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s: “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.” I love the thought of creating your own path in life – taking unexpected turns and making ad hoc decisions. Cue the decision for Sasha and I to move to Durango, Colorado for 8 weeks. We tossed around the idea one day while walking our dog (pre-Isla) and sort of said, “why not?” Sasha put in his two weeks at work this week, and I’m taking maternity leave until mid-September – our adventure will start in two weeks, after Sasha finishes his capstone assignment in Austin. I am so excited. Our days will involve hikes, bikes, walks, playing horse shoe, reading on the patio, walking along Main Street, and letting Isla become “one with nature” (ha). I’ve never been so ready for an adventure in my life! I’m ready to leave our trail.

You can read my Durango travel guide here

Pictures from my sister’s wedding weekend in Durango here

Gray Malin on One Kings Lane

Joy to the world – a Gray Malin Far & Away sale on One Kings Lane! I have honestly clicked on each picture ten thousand times. I really want to get one for our living room, but I cannot decide which one to buy! The sale prices are amazing. I cannot get over how perfectly he captures these unique scenes from mountain top skiers to sheep in the desert. I only have four more days to decide. Which one of the prints is your favorite? If you’re not subscribed to One Kings Lane, you should!

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Previous Gray Malin post on S&MT here