I have never been one to buy or wear a ton of makeup. I typically pick a product that I like, and I’ll wear it every single day for years. When I was in NYC with my friend Jessica, I picked her brain on what she thinks are the best beauty products on the market, as she is a model (if you couldn’t tell…) and is constantly working with makeup artists. She gave me a laundry list of products, and I literally bought them all. I also picked up a few fun items when I was at Sephora and Nordstrom and thought I’d share my thoughts on the best buys.
1) Neulash – I used to get eyelash extensions, which Sasha hated. As part of a compromise, I quit getting them and bought Latisse. I really, really liked it. My eyelashes got so long, I literally trimmed them. But it’s expensive, and when my prescription ran out in July after a year, I didn’t get a refill. I went au natural for a few months, then decided that I missed my thicker, longer lashes and bought Neulash at Nordstrom. I haven’t been using it for too long, but I really like it. You apply it on your lashes every night with the wand that looks like a paint brush – it’s easier than Latisse and you don’t need to visit a doctor first. Give it a try!
2) Josie Maran Love Your Skin Argan Oil Set – I love Argan oil. I have really dry skin, and so I lather this stuff on my face in the morning. I think it is amazing. It absorbs into your pores very quickly, and I’ll apply my makeup shortly after. I think it makes you glow!
3) eos Lip Balm and 4) Shaving Cream – eos is so trendy that I didn’t want to buy it at first (I mean, it’s all over Miley Cyrus’ ‘We Can’t Stop’ video). However, I finally caved and bought the cute little egg-shaped lip balm, and I don’t regret it at all. I love how it makes my lips feel – not goopy, but very well moisturized. The shape is perfect for a pout too. As for eos’ shaving cream, it gives the best lather and a very close shave that leaves your legs feeling smooth. I highly recommend both!
5) NARS Blush and Bronzer Duo – Who would ever have guessed that my favorite blush of all time would be called Orgasm? Cheeky, right? I absolutely love the blush pink tone and the slight gold speckles that make you shine. I put the blush on my non-existent cheek bones and cover my T zone with the bronzer. I am very, very pale and I think it helps to brighten my face.
6) NARS Tomorrow’s Red Nail Polish – My cousin-in-law got me this polish as a sweet baby gift, and I am in love with the color. I immediately took it to the nail salon and asked them to cover my toe nails in it. It is the most perfect red color ever – to match my favorite red lippy (below).
7) NARS Heat Wave Lipstick – True story: I will wear this red lipstick on days I don’t feel pretty. It makes me feel like a lady. I have truly worn this lip color to the park when I run with no other makeup on. I bet I look like a fool, but I honestly don’t care. Everyone should own Heat Wave (as verified by Julia Engel of Gal Meets Glam here and Liz Schneider of Sequins and Stripes here).
8) Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer – I have tried every single moisturizer and foundation in the game, and this is hands down the best one out there. Jessica told me to buy it, and I trust her beauty opinion, so I did. It’s very light, so you don’t feel like your face has a mask on it. The moisturizer has a good SPF as well, so you are protected from UV rays during the day. My only issue is that I need to apply a little more if I go out to dinner at the end of the day, but when you do your makeup at 6am, that’s not really a legitimate gripe.
9) Bumble & Bumble Quenching Complex – This is a new find for me, so the verdict is still out, but I’m really excited, as my hair is “terribly thirsty” (per the product label). I love B&B products so much, so I have full faith in this one. I want my hair to grow longer, but it get’s so brittle with daily washes which are unpreventable as I workout every day. C’est la vie. My fingers are crossed that it works!

Me in my NARS Heat Wave Lipstick on Padang Padang Beach, where Eat, Pray, Love was filmed
Featured image via Gal Meets Glam