In the months leading up to Isla’s arrival, Sasha and I had many parenting discussions – some of the them were tough due to varying opinions, like the use of pacifiers. After reading about the various benefits (watch this informative video), I was completely pro-paci. Sasha, on the other hand, was against them. Without any research whatsoever, he deemed them as enabling a bad habit. However, come week one when Isla is crying inconsolably, Sasha immediately scrambles to Isla’s closet, looking for the pacifier drawer. I had stocked up on three brands, given advice from other first-time moms who said that some babies take to different types of teats. The MAM pacifier was the only one Isla liked, as others seemed more difficult to keep in her mouth. If you watch the video below, you can see it come slightly out of her mouth, yet she is able to keep on sucking due to the textured teat.
Quite contrary to Sasha’s declaration that pacifiers mess up teeth, the MAM Perfect Pacifier‘s innovative design incorporates an extra thin, super-soft and flexible nipple specially engineered to reduce the risk of misaligned teeth. The unique Dento-FlexTM nipple neck is 60% thinner and 3 times softer than those of comparable pacifiers; the thinner, softer nipple provides less pressure on baby’s jaw and teeth to help reduce the risk of jaw deformations and malocclusions. Extra small and lightweight, MAM Perfect is available for babies age 0-6 months and age 6 + months. Click here to watch a Perfect Pacifier YouTube video.
I’m excited to be teaming up with MAM to give away two packs of pacifiers to one lucky follower! In order to enter the giveaway, you must do the following:
- Reply to this post, including your name, email and who you want to win the pacifier for (a friend’s baby, your child, your grandchild, etc.)
- Follow MAM on their Instagram
- You will get an extra entry by becoming a follower of Snapshots and My Thoughts (see ‘Follow’ button at the bottom righthand corner on desktop version of the blog)
One winner will be drawn at random. The more entries you have, the higher the chance you’ll win! The giveaway ends at midnight on Friday, August 8. I will announce the winner by Friday. I look forward to your responses!

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