


How do you design?

Yesterday, Sasha finally caved and bought something we’ve been talking about for months: a new king bed. He recently agreed to redo our bedroom, which is the only room in the house which didn’t get redone when we moved in together after our wedding. After months of pinning dream rooms and even publishing this dedicated master bedroom post, we embarked on the redesign process by buying the Isabel king bed from Ethan Allen (this is it, but we ordered it without the nail heads and with the diamond tufts). I am super excited.

For some reason, this room has caused me the most mental anguish – other rooms in the house were no-brainers when designing and decorating them. Perhaps it’s due to the small amount of time I have in the day to plan! So the other night I sat down on the computer, opened up Photoshop, and created our new bedroom – bed, nightstands, dresser, couch, desk, etc. Fortunately for Sasha, I like our current rug (and well, that’s about all).


[are you following along on Pinterest?]

After playing around with different pieces of furniture, I rearranged everything multiple times. In order to create out playroom, we recently moved the futon and my small desk into our large-and-previously barren room. Once the bed and nightstands arrive (we went for these ones), and we move the room around, we’ll decide if the futon needs to go back to the playroom. I definitely want a reading nook (à la this photo), so we’ll keep the floral chair we have in the room for now and add an accent table and perhaps snatch up a new chair if I see one for a good price at Home Goods (they sometimes have the best ones!). I am looking at different grays for the walls and thinking about even having an accent wall of some sort. Decisions, decisions.

So here we go, our new room ‘plan’:

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Welcome to the New Snapshots & My Thoughts

As you can see, Snapshots & My Thoughts has undergone a facelift! I changed the host of the blog, which involved getting a new theme. I chose to use Blogzilla to perform the transfer.


In addition to a new look, Snapshots & My Thoughts will have slightly different editorial calendar. In order to become a more targeted lifestyle blog, I will be posting on similar topics every week.

If there are any other topics you would like to read about here, please feel free to leave a comment below or email me.

Another addition which I’m excited about is that you are now able to shop some of my favorite items – some of which I currently own, others which I’m lusting after!

Lastly, since the blog was under construction last Wednesday, which was the deadline to enter the Isla Loves: A Little Lady Shop giveaway, I’m extending it through tomorrow, Wednesday, September 17 at midnight.

Thanks, as always, for following along!

<image via designlovefest>