Today, my little baby turns one year old. It sounds so cliche, but I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. For her birthday, I bought her a little baby doll and stroller, which I of course gave to her on Monday as soon as I got home from Target (she doesn’t know the difference!). She has been pushing it all around the house and will stop to lean over, adjust her baby and sometimes get in front of it to put the pacifier in the doll’s mouth. My emotions don’t know how to deal with this level of sweetness. My baby loves her baby, and I love my baby so much it hurts.
So much has happened over the last year. Isla was born, then we went and lived in Colorado for two months during July and August, then traveled to Mexico City (our first time to leave her!), Sasha started working on a new client for work, and I quit my job. We traveled to Europe, took trips to Austin and New Orleans to watch two of our best friends get married, and enjoyed plenty of time together as a family of three here in Houston.
Having a newborn is so tough. I was reminded of that the other day. But I miss it so much at the same time. Isla is way more fun at one year old than she was at one day, and I love that her personality is shining through. She is definitely a wild child in the making, and it makes me laugh. She’s also so sweet and tender at times, when she’ll bury her face into a blanket and snuggle in my lap.
Isla started walking around her 11 month-iversary, then stopped for the first week in Europe. She’s back at it again, making huge strides (pun intended) around our house since we got home. I cannot believe it – I love watching her do the Thriller walk with her arms out in front of her (getting more and more confident everyday). She eats everything, but also loves throwing her food on the ground for Belle to eat (she calls her Bbbbbeh-beh and adores her). She especially loves water (even La Croix), almond butter, goat cheese, hummus, pasta, bread, strawberries and salmon. Isla is still breastfed 4-5 times a day, but I’ll wean her to two starting next week (wahhh!). She’s exclusively been fed breastmilk since she was born (but we have nothing against formula!). Isla has her bottom two teeth that are fully grown in, and the top two just broke through with the next two already becoming visible (thanks, Livi, for the warning!).
Isla is definitely more of a mover-and-shaker than a talker, but she does say “Baba,” “Dada/Tata” (in reference to Sasha) and as of the last two weeks, now says “Mamamama” (I almost fainted when I heard it). She also says, “Bubbles” which is hilarious because I LOVE bubbles and we have them floating around our house all too often. She loves her books, her lovie, her blankets, and recently, her pacis (aren’t we supposed to wean her? Woops). Isla really likes swimming (and wading in our new pool) – and I am right there next to her! It’s hot in Houston!
We are throwing Isla a confetti-themed party on Saturday, and I cannot wait to celebrate her with our closest family and friends. I’m getting some serious assistance from my friend, Meredith of Cake & Confetti, with the party! She’s amazing.
A few weeks ago, we had our family photos taken by Paige of Awake Photography (whom we adore). It rained for days on end before the photos, so the humidity was at an all time high and I was a puddle by the end of the shoot (my hair didn’t stand a chance – even though the most talented lady ever, Brittany of Butter Makeup, did it!).