


GIRLBOSS: Phuong of Mibellarosa

Girlboss_Phuong_MibellarosaI think it would be impossible for me to envy Phuong Nguyen’s talents more than I already do. This post took me ages and ages to write, because every reference link she sent me, I gazed longingly at every detail of the photos. Phuong is the owner of Mibellarosa Designs, a design studio based in Houston, specializing in (exceptional beautiful!) event planning and floral designs. I first worked with Phuong on a Valentine’s shoot I did with Destiny, and the florals she created were unbelievable.  

Shortly after that, I ordered an Omakase vase (translation: “I’ll leave it up to you” – Phuong’s selection!) for Caroline Knapp on her birthday (on her Instagram here), and I felt it was the perfect way to give someone (who has lots of gorgeous things already!) a thoughtful gift. I will definitely be ordering more for other friends’ birthdays. I can’t wait to work with Phuong again – hopefully soon! 

You’ll quickly scroll through this post (before reading it in great detail, of course) and go googly-eyed over the florals she has created and her incredible styling She has the best taste (true story, I’ve had Police’s ‘Every Little Thing She Does is Magic’ stuck in my head the entire time I’ve worked on this post – not a coincidence!). So without further ado…


Haute Hippie Days of Summer

HauteHippieDaysOn Monday, a few of my good friends and fellow “Houston creatives” got together for a hippie styled shoot, and I had so much fun despite the 100-degree Houston weather. Sasha’s youngest cousin (and now mine too!), Kristina, was the inspiration for the entire shoot. Not only is she stunning, she is the sweetest person ever, and I love her boho style. I’ve been dying to photograph her pretty face for ages, and decided that we could pull together something really fun with flower-power, boho vibes.

Immediately, I thought of my friend, Britt, who owns Butter, to give Kristina the hippie makeup and hair. For florals and styling, I knew that Meredith of Cake & Confetti would knock it out of the park (and she did, obviously!). I adore the floral crown, but also the incredible arrangements – they’re just as I had imagined. Joy (mentioned in the #GIRLBOSS series here) gave us Priya jewelry, which matched the theme perfectly. We got most of the furniture pieces from The Foundry (new rental business in Houston – love them!), and I asked Jenny of A Fine Florish to write one of my favorite phrases on a fringed purse I found at Nordstrom.

We originally found a few hippie dresses online (featured below), which I absolutely loved; however, Kristina found “the one” while shopping in Fayetteville, where she goes to school. It is the most gorgeous dress, and I’m so pleased she discovered it. She looked like a goddess!


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I am so excited about how everything turned out. We found a spot in Memorial Park, got to work and created a little hippie paradise. I had the hardest time narrowing down the photos – I wanted to share them all! So although there are about 40 photos below, know that I did exclude hundreds (ha!). A huge thank you to everyone to helped pull this shoot off! I love y’all.

Florals + styling: Cake & Confetti (Instagram)| Hair + makeup: Britt Lais Williams from Butter (Instagram) | Dress: Line & Co. from Savoir-Faire (Instagram) | Jewelry: Priya (Instagram) | Purse: Nordstrom with calligraphy by Jenny of A Fine Florish (Instagram) | Rug, wicker chair, side table, terracotta pots + dream catchers: The Foundry (Instagram) | Model: Kristina Jovanovic (Instagram) | Photography: Snapshots by Ailee Petrovic – me! (Instagram)

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Introducing Murphey Grace

Murphey Grace (1 of 1)-20 Last Thursday, I took newborn photographs for sweet Murphey Grace, whose Mom I was introduced to by a friend, but it turned out I had already met Morgan because our husbands were in the same MBA class at The University of Texas. Not to mention she went to college with my friend, Danielle, and played volleyball in high school with my cousin, Natalia. Smallest world ever, right?

Murphey was a little angel during the shoot, and didn’t even make a peep when her dad tried to pose her in one of his cowboy boots! That baby girl was over 10 pounds at birth, and she was not sliding into any leather shoe! Ha.

Izzy, their dog, was the perfect co-model. Belle was not having it during our newborn shoot with Isla, but Izzy just sat there and ‘smiled.’ Aren’t Izzy and Murphey just adorable? I’ve got a few newborn shoots lined up when I get back from Colorado – already excited about them! If you’ve got any pregnant friends in Houston, send them my way, please!

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Happy First Birthday, Isla Milijana!

Today, my little baby turns one year old. It sounds so cliche, but I cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by. For her birthday, I bought her a little baby doll and stroller, which I of course gave to her on Monday as soon as I got home from Target (she doesn’t know the difference!). She has been pushing it all around the house and will stop to lean over, adjust her baby and sometimes get in front of it to put the pacifier in the doll’s mouth. My emotions don’t know how to deal with this level of sweetness. My baby loves her baby, and I love my baby so much it hurts.

So much has happened over the last year. Isla was born, then we went and lived in Colorado for two months during July and August, then traveled to Mexico City (our first time to leave her!), Sasha started working on a new client for work, and I quit my job. We traveled to Europe, took trips to Austin and New Orleans to watch two of our best friends get married, and enjoyed plenty of time together as a family of three here in Houston.

Having a newborn is so tough. I was reminded of that the other day. But I miss it so much at the same time. Isla is way more fun at one year old than she was at one day, and I love that her personality is shining through. She is definitely a wild child in the making, and it makes me laugh. She’s also so sweet and tender at times, when she’ll bury her face into a blanket and snuggle in my lap.

Isla started walking around her 11 month-iversary, then stopped for the first week in Europe. She’s back at it again, making huge strides (pun intended) around our house since we got home. I cannot believe it – I love watching her do the Thriller walk with her arms out in front of her (getting more and more confident everyday). She eats everything, but also loves throwing her food on the ground for Belle to eat (she calls her Bbbbbeh-beh and adores her). She especially loves water (even La Croix), almond butter, goat cheese, hummus, pasta, bread, strawberries and salmon. Isla is still breastfed 4-5 times a day, but I’ll wean her to two starting next week (wahhh!). She’s exclusively been fed breastmilk since she was born (but we have nothing against formula!). Isla has her bottom two teeth that are fully grown in, and the top two just broke through with the next two already becoming visible (thanks, Livi, for the warning!).

Isla is definitely more of a mover-and-shaker than a talker, but she does say “Baba,” “Dada/Tata” (in reference to Sasha) and as of the last two weeks, now says “Mamamama” (I almost fainted when I heard it). She also says, “Bubbles” which is hilarious because I LOVE bubbles and we have them floating around our house all too often. She loves her books, her lovie, her blankets, and recently, her pacis (aren’t we supposed to wean her? Woops). Isla really likes swimming (and wading in our new pool) – and I am right there next to her! It’s hot in Houston!

We are throwing Isla a confetti-themed party on Saturday, and I cannot wait to celebrate her with our closest family and friends. I’m getting some serious assistance from my friend, Meredith of Cake & Confetti, with the party! She’s amazing.

A few weeks ago, we had our family photos taken by Paige of Awake Photography (whom we adore). It rained for days on end before the photos, so the humidity was at an all time high and I was a puddle by the end of the shoot (my hair didn’t stand a chance – even though the most talented lady ever, Brittany of Butter Makeup, did it!).



This past weekend, a best friend of mine got married in one of the most gorgeous (and emotional!) wedding ceremonies I’ve ever witnessed, which was followed by one of the most incredibly fun receptions. Every single detail of the weekend was perfect. Sophee is definitely one of the most organized people I have ever met, so I was the least bit surprised. From the bridal brunch on Friday at Z’Tejas to the reception at Lakeway Resort & Spa, everything was planned to the nth degree. Everyone kept commenting on how the rehearsal dinner felt fancy enough to be the actual wedding!

Sophee and Johnny wrote their own vows, so pointless to say – everyone was crying. We had discussed doing the same, but I knew I wouldn’t have been able to keep it together and I know that’s a fact after boo-hooing when they read theirs. Sophee and Johnny are two of the most thoughtful and loving individuals I’ve ever met, and every single speech that was given reiterated this fact. And then there’s their model looks. I’ve never seen a model in any wedding magazine that looked as gorgeous as Sophee did when she slipped her dress on. Truly breathtaking.

It feels like yesterday that Sophee asked me to be her bridesmaid. I cannot believe they’re now married, relaxing on their honeymoon as husband and wife. I could not be any happier for them! Her wedding photographers (Anne Marie Photography) snapped a million photos, and I cannot wait to see them. Until then, here’s a sneak peek at some of the precious moments from the weekend.

Bridal Brunch 

Venue: Z’Tejas | Paper Goods: Paper Therapy Shop | Florals: Walton’s
