Today’s pace differently dramatically from the first five days. We woke up late (quite a treat after many 5am starts), then walked to Avocado, which is one of the top 5 best restaurants in Athens and is a vegan/vegetarian spot (Sasha is an angel). It was absolutely, 100% delicious. We ordered falafel, a quinoa dish called Ahimsa, and the Forest Burger for Sasha – all amazing. We got a vegan chocolate pie, which tasted like heaven. Afterwards, we hauled over to Hammam, which is a relaxing bath massage place that was highly rated on Trip Advisor. The reviews were not wrong – this was one of the best experiences of the trip – my favorite massage to date. We felt so calm and relaxed after and sat sipping Chai (tea), while talking to a local Greek woman. The people here are so friendly and are helping us with our Greek. So far we’ve mastered hello (yasus), thank you (elfaristo), and please (parakalo) – not sure about any of those spellings! We wandered through Monastiraki, where Sasha got a gyro and I bought one of my Greek best friends a little gift, then I went into H&M. It is infinitely better in Europe, so naturally I had to get a few items. We drank some Greek coffee and wine at Lucafe after, then watched Greek people ice stake at the center of the square. It is obviously not their sport (see picture below) – we had a few giggles about that. After a 2 mile detour to get to dinner (woopsies), we ended up at Manh Manh – another top Trip Advisor spot. The meal was delicious – we have yet to be dissatisfied with food. Thank goodness we walked 8.8 miles today (Google mapped it out), or else I’d be very worried about my new clothes fitting when I return to the states. Hitting the big Athenian monuments tomorrow before our wine tour to Corinth on Sunday!
PS One highlight of the day was being mistaken as Greeks on multiple occasions. Sasha concluded that we are both actually Greek. I’m from the city of Kappa Alpha Theta and he originated in Tau Kappa Epsilon.

It was so good, I don’t even consider him being a “good sport”
Quinoa and veggie sausage – what more could I ask for?

The well-worth-it Hammam Bath
Drinking his tea – he’s obsessed

Relaxed and clean post massage/bath
About as far from Avocado Vegan Restaurant as you can get!
This man is my gyro (beard and all!)
Home sweet home!
Apparently Greeks are not ice skaters
Stumbled upon this stadium on our walk back to the hotel